WELCOME: Important. Read this first!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Gday & Welcome to GT Rider...
The GT Rider forum exists to complement the Golden Triangle Rider website


It aims to build up a motorcycle touring community in the Golden Triangle & surrounding region, by sharing info / tips, and Road and Trip reports.


All Road & Trip reports are welcome – no matter how big or small. Even just a brief summary or outline is ok - anything is better than nothing! Your input will ensure that the aim of the GT Rider board (to build up a motorcycle touring community in the Golden Triangle & surrounding region) works. No matter what, or where, or how far you ride, you are welcome to join & contribute.


Please share your information and experiences to make it easier for all of us. By putting something back in, the amount of info improves, helping all of us.


All the general info for touring North Thailand / Laos / Vietnam you might need is on the main GT Rider site


The info is set up like this.

SE Asia Trip Planning

Thailand Trip Planning

North Thailand: Recommended Routes & The Way To Go

Trip planner: Laos on paved roads

Vietnam Trip Planning


In particular info for

Bikes is at
Updated bike & shop info is on this board at
Chiang Mai: Motorcycle Rental Shop Updates

To Rent & Book A Bike In Thailand
and be on the road as soon as you arrive
Renting Bikes

To Rent & Take A Thai Bike To Laos
Laos Bike Rental

To Rent & Book A Bike in Laos
Laos Bike Rental

To Rent A Bike In Vietnam
Vietnam Bike Rental

Weather is at
Southeast Asia Weather

Traffic & Roads is at
Traffic & Roads

Roads & Loops is at
Day Rides
Overnight Rides

Crossing Borders - Thailand - Laos - Vietnam - Cambodia - Myanmar - China - Malaysia is at
Border Crossings

Buying A Bike is at
Buying Bikes

Registering A Bike is at
Buying Bikes

Insuring Your Bike & protecting yourself is at
Bike Insurance

Importing a Bike is at
Motorcycle Import
but please note: On Importing Your Own Bike. All the advice is don't! It is not worth the time, money or stress. The local Thais don't do it & they speak, read, write the language, understand the culture & system & they know it is NOT worth it = DON'T DO IT. We don't know how to outsmart the system & can't advise you how to. Our advice = buy LOCALLY!

Where to go is at
Tour Options

General Touring Tips is at
Touring Tips

Help is at
Breakdown Help

Health & Medical Insurance is at
GT Rider Motorcycle / Health Insurance

GT Rider Touring Maps are at
GTR Touring Maps
Buy a GT Rider map you'll never need to ask info for distances / road conditions, as you'll have it all in your hot little hands.

Meeting Up
Recommended places to meet other riders. X-Centre & The Kafe Pub & Restaurant at 127 Moon Muang Road, 260 metres north of Thapae gate.


Confused about any of this riding & not sure how to start your bike even?
Then take a look at this tip below from Charlie’s Ghouse in Pai

Come and enjoy life and your riding. With the right attitude It's always fun in the incredible Golden Triangle.



Support GT Rider by purchasing
1. Maps

GTR Touring Maps

2. Click like on the GT Rider Facebook page.

Thanks for taking your time to read this & get to know where all the info is.

Historical Golden Oldies photos of early GTR rides are
GTR Golden Oldies

The GTR Forum is set up with a Paywall, that allows you 3 free post reads a week, after which we invite you to "shoot us a beer" once once a month & take out a subscription to GTR.

Keep the power on.
David Unkovich.
The GT Rider.
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