New FORUM UPGRADE Mon 13 Dec 2010

Mar 15, 2003
Cruising;262683 wrote: Download for Windows 7 resizing pics.It`s a right click and resize 1 or a whole batch at the same time.

Or if you have Windows XP,the download is on the far right of the page.

Thanks Cruising. I do know how to resize photos. The point was that the new forum may have the ability to automatically resize posted images. I was just letting Ben know what was going on.
Jan 12, 2003
Hi Dave

You may well have done it - but if it was before 01:00am Monday, I imported all the posts again which would have messed up your view of Read / Unread. :)

Images - its supposedly auto-resizing, but not necessarily in all areas. For example, using Enhanced Editor's photo insert tool to load images from your computer to the server, it seems that images are restricted to file size and dimensions resized if too big.

I'm still not sure if I've got settings working on over-size images linked by a URL...

Its an extremely complex issue and there are settings at Board System level, Usergroup level and Attachments level... it will be a process of trial and error to get it tuned as we require, I expect.


Jan 12, 2003
There are at least 2 people who've contacted me for help with regaining Forum Access, but used an invalid Email Address!

The accounts were re-set and User ID & Password detaisl emailed but these have bounced back to me!

Example: KZ, thaiger - Klaus - 2 accounts, 2 emails, neither are working! :)
- anyone knows this gentleman, give him a nudge and tell him to contact me


Jan 12, 2003
Hi Colin

The choice is yours, but I guess you've got so many photos on Photobucket already, moving them and editing all your trip reports would be a nightmare.

One of the main headaches for new members is how to add images to posts. The new Forum software provides tools to upload images to our server as you insert them in posts. We've had MANY requests for that functionailty over the past 2 years. The website is hosted on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) and for our $100 per month, we get significant disk space and bandwidth capacity, so its a service we can now offer.


Jan 14, 2010
2wheels;262731 wrote: What/Who is 'Google Spider' and 'Yahoo Slurp Spider'? :-?
I think, from Ben's point of view, they are very welcome guests.

"For anyone tracking statistics on their website, Googlebot, MSNbot, and Yahoo Slurp can be welcomed guests. These three search engine bots gather (harvest) information about your page for their respective search engine. Seeing these spiders more often is also desirable because this means that you are being indexed more often and more likely to show up quickly in the SERPs (search engine results page)."
Jan 12, 2003
2wheels;262737 wrote: Just an idea.
Maybe the time clock could be changed from GMT to Thai local time?
Hi Ron
All Guest users see Thai Local Time. What you personally see is whatever is specified in your Profile: Settings / General Settings / Date & Time Options




Nov 10, 2003

I tried to send a private message to 2wheels about donating to school kids in Laos but can not send the message as I am over my quota:
The following errors occurred with your submission

  • You have reached your stored private message quota and cannot send any further messages until space has been created.
Checked and saw I had 186 messages in total out of 100 allowed. On the old site this caused no problems so I guess I have to delete a lot of messages to stay within the limits of the new site.
Mar 11, 2008
Bug Report :

When clicking the 'mark forums read' link from the main menu sub menu (if browsing via 'whats new' search) you get

vBulletin Message
Your submission could not be processed because a security token was invalid.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error.
This does not seem to happen if you click the forum actions -> mark forums read from any normal browsing.. The link should perform the same function in both places on vBullitin.

Not a complain, just a report so you know.
Jan 12, 2003
LivinLOS: I suspect that "security token" issue is most likely to be a corrupt 'cookie' on your PC. The problem has not been reported by anyone else, and I've used the option 3 times under two different log-in ID on two different computers without any such issue. I recommend you clear the cookies on your PC, and try it again.

Auke: I have expanded the "maximum stored messages" to 250. That ought to solve your problem for the moment.




Dec 6, 2005
Hi Ben,

Well, I am finally back online (you other bastards stop sursing now)...

My invite was ending up in my spam folder... didn't know if you wanted to include a reminder in the 'how to new board' instructions...

Sep 4, 2007
2wheels;262737 wrote: Just an idea.
Maybe the time clock could be changed from GMT to Thai local time?
Ron, not sure if anyone answered this or you already found it, but you can change your timezone in the settings area to anywhere you want, including Thai time


Oct 6, 2006
This was the third time, upon trying to post a message when logged on, I was informed I needed to again log on. Yet, the board indicated I was still logged on! Of course the message was lost and was required to be re-written.

I love the ability to upload pictures directly from my computer to GTR and not having to use Photoshop or other intermediate storage site.

But, I noticed that for any pictures uploaded, a user does not have a preview of them and their location which would allow further editing, adding descriptions to particular photos, and possibly re-arranging the order of pix that have been uploaded, before posting the message. Also, maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any method to delete an uploaded picture while still editing a message.

Yet, I've discovered some new features that I like and appreciate all the work and headaches this upgrade must be for Ben!


Nov 10, 2003
cdrw;262980 wrote:
But, I noticed that for any pictures uploaded, a user does not have a preview of them and their location which would allow further editing, adding descriptions to particular photos, and possibly re-arranging the order of pix that have been uploaded, before posting the message.
That is what I thought also but you will have to be in the Advanced mode to have the preview option - look at the bottom right and click on the “Go Advanced” button to see the Preview option. Preview is not available in the Quick Reply mode.
Jan 12, 2003
Au contraire...

The only limit in the Album is a maximum of 2 Albums, each with a maximum of 20 pictures

Image Limits are as follows;
Dimensions: maximum of 800x600
File Size: maximum of 400 k


  • any image with dimensions greater than 800x600 is going to mess up page display and force sideways scrolling etc etc
  • any image bigger than 400k takes too long to load - and if you've got 10 or 20 images x >400k, it takes forever
  • ... not to mention the potential for our disk stoage capacity to get consumed in short order... :)
Hope that helps?




Oct 6, 2006
Auke;262997 wrote: That is what I thought also but you will have to be in the Advanced mode to have the preview option - look at the bottom right and click on the “Go Advanced” button to see the Preview option. Preview is not available in the Quick Reply mode.
Ah, thank you, Auke. I'm sure to slowly discover other features fumbling around with the new upgrade..
Oct 17, 2006
Glad to be back I finally managed to Login again today 24th ...needed a new password as the system would not recognise my old one ,but several attemptsd logins over the last week failed again and again.
Oh the joys of upgrades !!!!

cheers Monsterman


Nov 10, 2003

Good for you to be back. Yes there are quite a few "teething" problems but in the end I guess you will be happy with the change over to the new system - at least I am although I still have to find my way around. Took me 4 email messages, which all disappeared in the Trash folder to get back on line and in the end, with the help of Ben, I was online again. Guess Ben is celebrating Christmas at the moment after all the past, and probably still, present problems caused by the switch-over. Anyway, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all of you.


Nov 10, 2003
2wheels;263107 wrote: Ben, I loaded an image 450 x ? total 104 KB.Then I tried to laod the 2nd image of same dimensions and got a notoce saying I had exceeded the total limit of 23.KB!

Will try again after Christmas.


Don't know what went wrong with your trial. Set up a test folder and had no problems uploading pictures to the test folder eventhough the size of each picture was over 100 kB. It does take some time though before pictures show up in the folder so you may have to be very patient to see if things work or not.
Dec 27, 2007
Hi Ben!

The new vBulletin site still has a lot of "issues" and hopefully they are being worked on.

I hope that our fearless leader and webmaster will take my feedback as constructive criticism and NOT as a complaint-

vBulletin is extremely powerful software but so far it seems that very few of the vBulletin options have been implemented.

For example, with vBulletin we should never again have to type [ img ], [ video ], [ url ] again, but it seems the relevant buttons only appear when you click "Reply to Thread" but they do NOT appear (at least on Mozilla Firefox) when you want to start a new thread or "reply with quote".

Similarly, vBulletin offers many options for the use of "smiley" and emoticons that can be added to the "tools" bar at the top of the post, but so far this hasn't been done with the new gt-rider forum. Adding smilies / emoticons is very troublesome the way it's set up now.

Not sure why, but the current gt-rider forum doesn't notify me of new personal messages like the old one did. Currently the only way to see if I've received new PM's is to click on the Notifications tab and look. As a result I've missed a lot of PM's and end up replying to PM's very late...

If you would like to see an example of a super-slick vBulletin forum have a look at

Hopefully these "upgrades" are in the works as they will make the new forum much more user friendly and easy to use.

Again, I hope my comments won't be taken as criticism. I'm just sharing my observations and hope that they can be used to improve the site.

Happy Trails!

Dec 27, 2007
Here's another "bug report", though really it's not a "bug" but rather a formatting issue, I think...

How many of you have written a post and then clicked on the big blue REPLY TO THREAD button only to LOSE everything you just wrote because you should have clicked on the smaller "Post Quick Reply" button?

I took a screen shot to show what I'm talking about:


Can't tell you how frustrating it is to write a long post and lose it because I click the wrong button... Hopefully this can be addressed and fixed.


Jan 12, 2003
Hi Tony

No worries - constructive criticisms are always welcome - far better to come right out and ask! FL is on the road, but I know he's eager to ensure any issues are resolved asap.

Part of the problems stem from unfamiliarity with vBulletin - for both users and Admins. Its exceptionally powerful, but also extremely complicated. Its also vastly different in architecture to the previous phpBB3 open source systems... Many of the concepts are not described or engineered like phpBB3 - e.g. the distinctions between threads & posts.

Personal Message Settings:
Your problem with PM's is actually a result of you not yet editing your Profile Settings. There is complete control in there over all aspects of notifications - from instant emails to pop-up windows as soon as you log in! :idea:

Image Insertion:
As documented multiple times and locations... Use the Advanced Editor - there are IMG and VIDEO icons that allow inserion of images either by Upload, or by URL. Those options don't appear in the Quick Edit mode!

Reply To Thread:
Is exactly that - you click it when you want to initiate/add a reply / comment to an existing post/thread... It is NOT a "submit" button... :shock:

Smiley / Emoticons:
Again - use the Advanced Editor and all will be revealed. :idea:

In Profile / Settings, there are controls to pre-set which editor you'd like to to use by default.

Have a good look through your personal settings, I'm sure you'll find that the things you need merely need to be turned on or correctly set...

There are quite few instructions I've personally written to explain some of these issues, plus an extensive help system within the FAQ section...

If you get stuck, don't hesitate to ask for assistance.

Kind regards
