1. CHAROENSILP Leather Boots. 63/6 Kaew Nawarat Rd. Tel 053-306194. Mobile: 0866726865. https://goo.gl/maps/nv6vPCX21YSxpqy27 Not easy to find. See the shop front pix below. The biggest leather shop & distributor in Chiang Mai. [ Get custom made boots here. Cost...
Hey Gang, Getting crash bars for my '06 F650GS is a lengthy import process. Do you think there are metal fabrication shops in chiang mai that could custom fabricate a set? Aesthetics is not a big issue for me, I'm mostly looking for fairing/engine protection. Thanks!!
Hi all. Anyone know if I can get Riky Cross crashbars in Thailand? Any of our dealers supply/will order? Cheers. http://www.xrv.org.uk/forums/africa-twin/73324-riky-cross-crashbars.html Attached files
Hello folks, I've seen some of the ER6 Kawasakis in the rental places fitted with racks in the back, some stainless steel, some aluminium. Would anyone of you know how makes/sell them in Chiang Mai?
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