There are two more mini Toy Ride donation events being planned.
The first is Samoeng, Sunday 27th April 2008.
The 2nd is Chiang Dao, Sunday 25th May 2008.
These are the last Sundays in the month.
The Samoeng event is confirmed, whilst arrangements are being made to set up the Chiang Dao event.
Sunday 27th April 2008.
For the Samoeng event a donation of clothes / toys / school supplies will be made in
downtown Samoeng, to the Karen people from Ban Mai Lan Kham. This village is one of, if not the poorest, in the Samoeng area. Mai Lan Kham is about 20 kms south of Samoeng & is only accessible by 4WD / off-road motorcycle.
All bikers are welcome to join in & witness the event. If you want to bring another toy on the day you are welcome to do so, but it is not a requirement.
Note that the donation will take place in Samoeng, you dont have to go out to the village.
Full details of the event will be finalized in the next couple of weeks (after Songkran.)
Sunday 25th May 2008.
The Chiang Dao event is in the early planning stage, but it will happen & details will be confirmed early next month - May.
The Toy Ride website is being redesigned & should be fully operational next week.
The new website will include photo galleries, plus full financial statements to satisfy any doubting Thomases.
Planning is already in the works & info will appear both here & on the new toy ride website.
The event is scheduled for Sunday 4th January 2009.
Many more people / companies / organizations have expressed interest in supporting the 2009 event, & indeed future toy rides. So it seems as if the 2008 Toy Ride was a real success, especially with proper accounting transparency (due to be published on the new website.)
Thank you to all those who rode on, worked on or donated to the 2008 event.
For the Chiang Mai Toy Ride website go to
2008 Toy Ride Photos are here ... t3486.html