Myself and Pikey had the Pleasure of Ian's Company for Breakfast at the X-Centre and Being a Fan of the New F800GS i collected some Photo's and as much information as I Could :wink: Here is some of the Facts:
Ian Wilshin, if you want to give some Words of Encouragement etc He can be contacted at: [email][/email]
He received one of the First F800GS delivered to the UK and started out about a Year ago. Has covered 43.500 kms as to today and to My amazement has Never had a Flat Tyre and is Still on the Original Brake Pads :shock: Replaced the Chain at 40.000 kms though. Had one Major Crash in Romania and Hit a Bridge Railing which Bent His Forks so lost a week or more waiting for Repairs. His Front Wheel was Knackered after Pakistan so Replaced it with an Africa Twin Outer Rim in Singapore for $125 Sing :wink:
Asked Ian which was the:
Best Place He has Passed through, Answer: IRAN
The Worst Place He Passed Through, Answer: INDIA :cry:
Here He is With His Bike. It is Actually an Orange Bike But He Covered it with Black Tape to Cover the Name etc so He would Attract Less attention going through Places Like Pakistan and India as He was getting Mobbed :roll:
He Uses quite a few Things Made By Metal Mule including these Very Strong Luggage Boxes.
Side Crash Bars have Been Tried and Tested a few Times and are doing a Great Job!!!
Heavy Duty Skid Plate for Protection! Also has another small one on the Centre Stand.
Another Good Item the Radiator Guard!
The Scorpion Exhaust is Slimline so allows Close Fitting of the Side Boxes as well as Giving a Beautiful Sound, Not to Loud!!!
BMW Hand-guards are Very Strong and Stood Up to a few Crashes and Having Big Side Boxes really Loads the Front End if You Go down so Tried and Tested again!
You can See the Weld at the Front of the Foot-Peg Bracket? This Sub-Frame eventually Broke Completely in two after the Big Crash when it Crimped the Square Bar used! He had it Repaired in Nepal I think? And they Made a Great Job!!!
Here Is Ian Leaving the X-Centre and Continuing His Journey 8)
He Plans on Leaving CM up to the Golden Triangle then Into Laos etc. All the Best Mate :wink: He Possibly has given the New F800GS the Ultimate Test done So Far and Possibly Put the Most Mileage on one. Good On You!