January 2021 & the first GTR Dinner of the year is a "Return To" dinner.
The date is: Wednesday 27th January 2021
The town is Piang Luang.
The recommended hotel: is the The Huen Kingkhala Resort.
The recommended restaurant is the Krua Piang Luang.
The date is: Wednesday 27th January 2021
The town is Piang Luang.
Monthly Gt Rider Up-country Dinner Rendezvous Rides
GT RIDER RENDEZVOUS RIDE: ONCE A MONTH. From https://www.gt-rider.com/se-asia-motorcycling/threads/monthly-gt-rider-chiang-mai-city-dinners.6871/ EVERY 2 WEEKS A GT RIDER EVENT 1. CHIANG MAI CITY GT RIDER DINNER then two weeks later a rendezvous up-country for a ride & another dinner 2. GT...

The recommended hotel: is the The Huen Kingkhala Resort.
The recommended restaurant is the Krua Piang Luang.
My Gtr Dinner Trip To Piang Luang
The last Wednesday of the month & a scheduled GTR up country dinner in Piang Luang, Wednesday 27th of February it was.....Piang Luang is one of those right out of the way places very few people go to, let alone spend a night there; however Piang Luang is a gem of a spot. Chiang Mai - Wiang...

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