Planting T.Js and Simons memorial plaques in Mae Hong Son.
The Riders for the trip where Snail and Naomi, Bungy, Swellrides, and Myself. And waiting in Mae Hong Son was Davidfl.
The plan was to ride up to Mae Hong Son, and position the newly made memorial plaques in front of the trees that were planted in honor of T.J and Simon at the temple on the lake.
The timing of the trip worked out well, as one of Simons good friends from Phuket (swellrides) was in Chiang Mai, enabling him to join as on the ride.
We decided to ride to Mae Hong son via doi inthanon, and headed off from the kafe around 10am.
We stopped in Mae Chaem for lunch.
Bungy delighted with the meal before him.
Mae Hong Son at sunset. Great spot to sit back and have a few beers.
After a few beers we went over to the temple and planted the plaques.
I think Steve was happy with how it all worked out.
Once we had placed the plaques in position, we lit two "Khom Fies" and sent them on there way.
Its amazing how quickly these things take off.
Next day we all took off in different directions.
Swellrides and myself decided to return to Chiang Mai via Wat Chan.
Its was a dusty, but enjoyable ride back.
Cheers Moto-Rex
DOH almost forgot. :shock:
While riding down hwy 1192 about 4kms south of the doi inthanon turn off, I came upon a sharp left hand turn which was littered with gravel from recent road works.
I was looking down in search of the limited traction, when suddenly in the middle the road, waving he's arms was "Snail." What a considerate GT-Rider this guy is I thought. Stopping and warning his fellow riders of the impending danger. I slowed and looked a little further down the road and wondered why would he park he's bike under the safety rail?
I then noticed deep scrap marks in the tar road that ended were the bike was laying, these gouges made me realize that the bike was not parked in that location deliberately.
Snail trying to get he's bike out. I was to busy taking photos to help.
But Steve was there to lend a hand.
Who put that gravel there?
Mirror/gardening tool.
Bungy was very concerned for he's fellow riding companion.
The wounded snail.
The Riders for the trip where Snail and Naomi, Bungy, Swellrides, and Myself. And waiting in Mae Hong Son was Davidfl.
The plan was to ride up to Mae Hong Son, and position the newly made memorial plaques in front of the trees that were planted in honor of T.J and Simon at the temple on the lake.
The timing of the trip worked out well, as one of Simons good friends from Phuket (swellrides) was in Chiang Mai, enabling him to join as on the ride.
We decided to ride to Mae Hong son via doi inthanon, and headed off from the kafe around 10am.
We stopped in Mae Chaem for lunch.
Bungy delighted with the meal before him.
Mae Hong Son at sunset. Great spot to sit back and have a few beers.
After a few beers we went over to the temple and planted the plaques.
I think Steve was happy with how it all worked out.
Once we had placed the plaques in position, we lit two "Khom Fies" and sent them on there way.
Its amazing how quickly these things take off.
Next day we all took off in different directions.
Swellrides and myself decided to return to Chiang Mai via Wat Chan.
Its was a dusty, but enjoyable ride back.
Cheers Moto-Rex
DOH almost forgot. :shock:
While riding down hwy 1192 about 4kms south of the doi inthanon turn off, I came upon a sharp left hand turn which was littered with gravel from recent road works.
I was looking down in search of the limited traction, when suddenly in the middle the road, waving he's arms was "Snail." What a considerate GT-Rider this guy is I thought. Stopping and warning his fellow riders of the impending danger. I slowed and looked a little further down the road and wondered why would he park he's bike under the safety rail?
I then noticed deep scrap marks in the tar road that ended were the bike was laying, these gouges made me realize that the bike was not parked in that location deliberately.
Snail trying to get he's bike out. I was to busy taking photos to help.
But Steve was there to lend a hand.
Who put that gravel there?
Mirror/gardening tool.
Bungy was very concerned for he's fellow riding companion.
The wounded snail.
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