Well, I hope this is the right place to ask, otherwise David you move it.
I crushed recently with the scooter, got the usual bruises and so on. Get up on my feet, as usual a lot of helpful locals around, someone called the EMS, but they didn't showed up in a while, so a local brought me down to Chiang Saen Gov Hospital. They took care of my bruises, and took two X-Rays, as my Index-Finger was displaced, that’s when they discovered also a hair crack on the back of my hand. They also stabilised my hand, and/or finger. All I paid there was 580 bath, including the X-Rays.
Now because of those stupid, insurance policies, allowing only specific hospitals, I went to Overbrook in C.Rai. and mostly they redo all of the bandages C. Saen did. They made another X-Ray, but from the collarbone, as I had pretty much bruises on it, but I could move it quite well. It took a while until the doc came in, apparently he’s the bone specialist, and they call him in off duty, nothing I had asked for actually. However, I was pretty much fixed up around 11-12pm. But being in C. Rai without any transport, I stayed there overnight @ 2500 for the room. My bill run up to something around 22000, pretty sure C.Saen could have managed that for 2200. However, the insurance covered mostly everything, but 350 bath, when I looked at home what the 350 was it said "others"
My big question now is, I got an appointment on 7th Jan for checking my crack on my hand, and maybe remove the bandage,eventually checking that finger. First, I don’t really want to make the journey. Second, I don’t really want them extract another fortune out of the insurance fund, if they cover after treatment at all. I guess the smart thing to do is to ask my local hospital for an X-Ray, and if nothing shows, just get off the bandage. Your opinions?