D-Tracker Rider Killed


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Sad news, 3 days ago cruising up R107 to Fang (en route to Thoed Thai) I came across an accident scene. The police & "body-snatchers" rescue vehicle were just preparing to leave.

As I slowly went past observing the scene I noticed a smashed up D-Tracker in the back of the police pick-up.



Oops, 95% chance it’s a farang I thought, so I immediately did a U-turn & rode back to ask the police if it was a farang rider & could I help.

Yes was the reply.

Where is he – in the vehicle in front.

Is he ok?

No. He’s dead.

Do you know who he is?

No, we don’t know.

Ok, please let me have a look I might know him.

The white body bag is unzipped & I take a look at the face. He looks calm, but bloody & fortunately not someone I knew.

I ask the police for his wallet / passport & they hand me over a bag with some possessions. I rummage through looking for a rental contract for a bike shop, but I find the bike ownership papers & his passport.

The bike belongs to a Thai lady in Phan. There’s an address & phone number. Plus we have an ID on the unlucky guy. The policeman says thank you & pulls out his phone to make the call.

I slowly walk off & remount my trusty Africa Twin & head North with the Citylife magazine guys following.

My condolences to the friends & relatives of the unlucky rider.

On my return today I checked in with the police at Chiang Dao & his next of kin & embassy have been notified.

RIP: Herbet Eddy Lust. Aged 55 from Belgium.

You probably went out doing what you enjoyed – riding your bike.

Gents a reminder – riding by yourself, please make sure you always carry a card with some personal details & a contact should you be involved in an accident / emergency situation.

Re the accident the rider was involved in a collision with an oncoming vehicle. Who was overtaking “incorrectly” I don’t know. And there’s no need to speculate; the police in Chiang Dao have the details.

What I do know is that the victim was wearing a cheap pudding basin type helmet. So I’d like to remind you to wear a good one, it could well save your life in a nasty accident situation.
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Reactions: Ughetto
Nov 2, 2008
RIP: Herbet Eddy. Passed doing something he enjoyed in a place he loved most likely.

Thank you David for investigating further, in such an unpleasant scene, and sharing with everybody. Very helpful on many levels, this is truly going above and beyond for the GT Riders.

Thank you,
Kevin - wallet is now up dated with local contact information in Thai.


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai
RIP Herbet, did not know the man,but alwys sad to hear this kind of news.

I as well have all info including Blood group and meds taken in both EngThai wit several contact details(homeMob numbers), just a laminated plastic card. Remember blood groups is important together any med you taken incase you need emergency treatment, it saves time and sometimes lives.

Ride Safely
Oct 2, 2009
So sad....makes me realise how lucky I am to have crashed my bike twice (once in very remote Laos, once in heavy traffic in Belfast) and come out with little more than scratches. It puts our love for biking in perspective and I'm now getting that info together for my MHS loop trip in a few weeks. It makes me think of what my grandfather told me when I got my first bike - 'No matter how good a rider you are, there are thousands of idiots on the road who aren't as careful'

Yeah, bike safe. RIP Herbert



Jan 27, 2010

is there any way I can contact you? By phone or something?

The rider was a very close friend of mine and these 2 pictures are all the details we know about the actual accident. His wife is my wives best friend and she would like to know more information but doesn't speak that well English.

Please if you would be so kind to leave me your mobile in Thailand so I can give you all call, thanks alot



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Bates wrote: David,

is there any way I can contact you? By phone or something?

The rider was a very close friend of mine and these 2 pictures are all the details we know about the actual accident. His wife is my wives best friend and she would like to know more information but doesn't speak that well English.

Please if you would be so kind to leave me your mobile in Thailand so I can give you all call, thanks alot

Greetings from Mae Hong Son. I've sent you a PM with my details & hope it is a help.
I'm sorry about the loss of your close friend.
We probably arrived 45-60 mins after the event & I tried to help as much as I could at the scene, but there was not a lot to do.

For all you guys out there riding & touring, if you see an accident scene that you think might involve a farang, always stop & help as they might well need real help, just with communication - contacting their closest friend / next of kin to advise them & get looked after properly by their mates; not just left alone in a foreign country to their own minimal resources. Let's look after each other.

You all take care & ride safe, now.


Oct 23, 2009
There is no week, on the road, that we are not witness to several causalities, fortunately not all are fatal.

Statistics are chilling: « Motorcycles were the vehicles most involved in road accidents, about 82 per cent of all vehicles. The biggest cause of accidents was drunken driving (40.66 per cent), followed by speeding (19.96 per cent). »

David's sad story shows that not only Thais are to be counted! On the other hand, biker's solidarity, as demonstrated by David, gives hope for a helpful hand, in case it is needed.

Better careful than sorry, but there is no way for us to stop doing what we love, in one of the most beautiful and dangerous (street wise) countries in the World.

RIP Herbet