WHAT IS IROT, Independent Riders of Thailand about


KZ wrote: "
The good part I like about the whole thing is the NO DRINK rule, and it should be one, not a suggestion. I've always adhered to it, it's easier for me to say: "no drink at all, I'm riding" than "okay, only one beer", which leads to another one. I sometimes drive a car after a few brews which is wrong, but never a bike. Dropping it at only 25mph will result in a lot of pain and repairs.
I wish you luck with your club that doesn't want to be a club, there's a good idea behind it, more power to you. Maybe we'll meet somewhere, I'll be the independend rider of Thailand without a patch, not easy to recognize, but all you have to do is ask.
I have a similar rule depending on what I am riding: my Bonnie - 2 Leos, my little Nuovo - 3 Leos and my truck - 4 Leos. Anymore than that and the missus get's pressed into taxi driver role which means more beer but an earlier night and a bit of ear-ache! Mai me pen ha!! ;-)




Oct 14, 2005
Ya Pikey I'm aware of that also hoe hew hot rod asociatiosn got started. One of my older Brothers rode with the Angles out of the San Bernardino Branch. Healo did a lo in roion. Todya they are much different thing. People I envison a gang of thug riding into a town. Not hardly they control a lot of things that are illegal these days. Thaer aer enforcers within the groups.

My fovorite story abou then was a guy named Gekn Hagly in Plam Sorings a collector adn enforcer. He wa good a his job, to say the least. He was in Court one day lost it an just walked out with a judge in mid sentence.

The baliff in the court was one of those guys that should really have been driving a Bus, anyway he tries to stop him. Someone in the court hits the panic button. I came out to see Hegley walking out of the court very purpossfully with a deputy hanging off his back. I stepped in front of him, never raised my voice and told him Glen put the deputy down. He did after getting him calmed down a bit. He went back into court for his butt chewing.

A few years later he took a ride into South America, in the process he was kidnapped can't remember the country but I think it was Columbia. This was a guy who was buff workd out all the time had to be on steriods. On his release he may have weighed 160 lbs. Today Glen is a born again Christen and tells his story to anyone who wants to listen. Hells Angels today are far from the motorcycle gangs of old, They are a business.

Cops don't have trouble with motorcycle gangs today, not becasue they are afraid it screws up their income. Most of the original Hells Angels if any are alive today are in their 70's and 80's.

Most of them were outrageous by 1950 standards not the standards of today. :lol:

Oh well next thing you know I will chattin about my experiences with the Manson family anyone remember who they were :cry:

Enough of this stuff lets talk about bikes much more fun.

Yuo know one of things I really like about bikes they are not welded together and If a guy gets drunk and rides I dont have to ride with him and I don't simple as that. I don't want to see him hurt someone else. Nor do I want do pick up the pieces of him and his bike because he intentionally put himself in a bad position. Not a moral thing I'm kind of selfish like that

We have a dangerous hobby and things happen, if someone goes down that I'm riding with in my mind I need to step up and help and I do. So best not to ride with someone who is drunk, for me. Cause I know I won't leave him. So best for me to just avoid the situation.

I'm no angle I have done the very same thing but heck I'm 62 now hope I have learned something along the way. :roll:

To get back on subject the first thing i want to do is recognize gtrifders fro waht it is. If anyhting ha helped to build the ride community this is it. I just went into an area that I had never been before adn I for the most part even knew waht hotles I was goign to eb staying in. I got maps that can not be equaled fro the area. I met guys on loop every day that I had connections with through gtridres. I knew about road condition ahead of me not a week ago. But that day from conversations with these guys.

I ahev problems with my bikes the first place I go is not to the loacl Thai mecahinic it's gtriders, I know what I need by the time I see the mechanic.

Gtriders helped to establish the ride list here just about anybody who is now uses the ride list checks out gtriders several times a week. David gave us Essarn section, he didn't have to. Esar has very litle to do with the Golden Triangle.

We in gtriders have tee shirts and logos to recognize each other available. No one is forced to yes them, but most of us take pride in being a part of such a wonderul thing.

You guys up there get together for MotoGP ect. With I had the same thing here I don't yet.

Maybe with Dan's inspiration and help maybe some day I will. This is in no meant to replace Gtriders bt to augment beyond Northern Thailand

I designed the freedom patch in all honesty never envisoned it being a group thing, it means soemthing very important to me. As do the badges from the departments I worked for over the years. That freedom concept meant something to Dan as well.

He asked me to incorporate it in to his idea. I was more then happy to do so. I fully support him and his idea.

Someday maybe we will be able to have what you guys in the North have. We have guys who ride with club on the ride lsit. Some of the guys in those clubs are no on the lsist. For soem that means a group to get together with once a month and have fwe beers, not really about riding.

The guys that en on that list and participate it;' about riding and sharing good times together. Here thta is the only way you are going to find those special spots as you see all over the Gtriders maps. That doesnlt exist heree. Over the next year I going to try to nail down some of the long ime riders here and get those routes in writing

You know I'm a VFW member have been for six years, haven't been to a meeting in fivcve years, just not my thing. So I'm not agianst club just agianst them for me.

Today there are very few places in Thailand thatw I can go to with out meetign up with someone I know and have never seen before. Gtriders did that.

Mna I wih I wa as talewnted a David and could make those maps. The loop was beautiful, but there are beautiful rides here as well. But your only going to learn them riding with others.

I have asked David about doing a map of Issan similiar to those available for Loas and the north. But David is a straight up guy if he hasn't ridden it he won't do it and I admire him for that.

He alo one person keeping things updated on what he ha already done is a full time job. Maybe some day we can accomplish something like he has done for this area. But I'm the wrong guy for that.

Whether you decide to participate in IROT or not I really recommend getting a ride list going of your area. If you enjoy sharing the expeirence with others.

The list in Udon Strated with three guys that had been riding a lot together fo years. The Udon list ha 43 riders on it now. There is now a second list in Khon Kean for sports bike riders. John handles that so I have no idea how many riders are on it.

Pretty simple stuff post rides, when people show up get their email addresses after you eaxplain what it's for. Or jsut give yours to them.

You know after a couple of years it gets pretty tough coming up with something new each week. So l always encourage guy to post here ideas and we can go check the things they know about. No one is charge, we just help eachother get it done.

Amazing I think I have said every thing I have to say about this, a Forrest Gump moment :shock:

I'm going back to my monster trip report you guys have fun :wink:


Sep 24, 2008
with all those crosses on the badge you could add "KKK chapter"

Nov 21, 2008
Having had to start over again by forming my own MC - and now it is expanding into a National Club, we have simple guidelines - I know if you read them they seem a bit harsh or strict but when translated into the local language - the boys get the idea a bit more. Your concept is excellent, not contradicting my own reasons for creating an MC, but good to see someone take the steps to develop something unique and still being part of the bike community (individuals, groups, chapters, national MC's, etc... All belong to the same community.)

From us in BKK & Koh Samui - give us a wave and a chat sometime!
(sorry for the typs and spelling - doing this on the run! At work!)


Oct 15, 2006
Khuang Nai

An other Wiskey lad, I use to have regular meeting's with JD,,but changed to Vodka as i dont get any hangover from Vodka, wiskey got me stucked..

Im one of your kind too,just a regulard guy riding and enjoying,my part is that im shy and not easilly talk to guys whom i dont know,i said easilly sometimes yes but not very often.

My own rule is also,, when ever im on the tour im not drinking, i dont mind if others do but i do not want them to harm them selfs as i use to work in safety and security business.
But thats just me. :wink:
Dec 1, 2006
Ray, you must not have been wearing your patch when we met in MHS, or else I wouldn't have ended up asking Dan what IROT means. Compliments to you both on your idea :idea: !!
As for me, I just lucked out: Bumped into a bunch of real friendly riders from Lampang one day on Doi Angkhang and remained friends ever since. (Triple M, ever heard of them?) A year down the road, they offered my missus and me a membership in their MC. We love freedom as much as you all and we ride on our own most of the time, but every now and again it's simply fantastic to enjoy some good old comraderie sitting around a camp fire drinking black soda (and vodka too of course, Marco! :wink: ). What's more, bike weeks are so much more fun when we go with the boys :D
We also have a no drinking rule. One beer almost always leads to a second. Some of you may feel perfectly safe riding with a load of alc in your faces. I for one don't care to risk my life and that of innocent people around me. - But after the ride, WOW!!! :p

A big cheers to all IROT's; the best of luck and success to you!
Sep 24, 2008
'never once ridden in a group'
KZ that wasn't you at the HUA HIN bike weekend riding the steed chopper with shorts and no helmet on a group ride to the temple then. cos i'm pretty sure i passed you when you were wheezing up the hill. you got a problem with ya rings or valves cos you was puffing a bit of smoke. nice goggles on the way back though :p


Oct 14, 2005
Look guys doesn't matter how you do it with or without others as long a you do it your way and have fun.

Oops feel another Gump moment coming.


Aug 20, 2003
cbr1 - you wouldn't see me dead on a 400 Steed in Thailand! I'd rather ride a Skyline scooter than this neutered Harley wanna be I see lots of bald retired tourists on. These days I ride a VTR250 and let snakes come out of my nose.
Nope, I showed up, had a look around, took some pics, then went to pick up my kid from the beach, responsible parent and all.


Mar 27, 2007
Good luck Dan, never been a club type myself. This board and a few others have served me well over the years.



Nov 5, 2003
My 2c.

The Freedom so evident in the "Coat of Arms" identifies this group as pseudo United States.

Real freedom, European and US, can be traced back to the Magna Carta also called Magna Carta Libertatum (Great Charter of Freedoms)


Not quite so sexy I will admit, but no one died.

The English Civil War was more about governance than freedom, as such, so I'm not sure that counts.

I think the US war of Independence was about the freedom from taxes. Well that worked out real well as I believe they are the only citizens who have to pay taxes irrespective of what country they reside in.

Next I think would be the Tolpuddle Martyrs, who were deported not executed.

Each to their own. Now where did I put that GT-rider sticker?