Day 44 Balkans Trip
I rode over 200 miles today to get to Brno via Bratislava.
Day 44 Budapest to Brno
When I set off this morning there was frost all over and ice in places. So I had to make a decision. The route I had plotted on Basecamp was going to take me 1hr 20 more from Budapest to Bratislava and an hour more from Bratislava to Brno then if I went on the motorway…..Decision time….Take the longer route and go slower using a road less trodden, ice and frost, but don’t get as cold, but still about 0 degrees c with the wind factor….Or take the motorway, go faster, road better, no ice or frost due to more trodden, but get colder due to the speed?
I decided to take the motorway, I have not been this cold on a bike since I rode from Osnabrück to Rotterdam in a blizzard back in 2000 on my R1100s. I was bloody freezing even though the sun eventually pushed through. My hands got that cold I started to loose the feeling in them, I have some Gortex overmitts so I but them on over the top of my gloves and that did the trick, not hot but with the heated grips on they were comfortable.