Shoei XR-1100 helmet, bought 10 months ago but had very little use as too tight (which is why I'm selling) and when I did wear it I always wore a balaclava so padding is still in excellent condition, as is the helmet itself.
It comes with a light smoke visor (and the standard clear one) which I paid 2000 baht for and the helmet was 18,500baht from Paddock, now they are 17,000baht.
It is Size M which is 57-58cm, I'm 58cm and it is very comfortable but on longer rides I get a headache from forehead pressure. Paddock told me they sourced them from Germany so it isn't the Asian shaped helmet, it will be the same as buying in Europe/America. It is one of the very few helmets with a five star safety rating from the folk at SHARP.
Price is 12,000baht which includes registered shipping within Thailand. Please message if interested or have any questions.
Shoei XR-1100 helmet, bought 10 months ago but had very little use as too tight (which is why I'm selling) and when I did wear it I always wore a balaclava so padding is still in excellent condition, as is the helmet itself.
It comes with a light smoke visor (and the standard clear one) which I paid 2000 baht for and the helmet was 18,500baht from Paddock, now they are 17,000baht.
It is Size M which is 57-58cm, I'm 58cm and it is very comfortable but on longer rides I get a headache from forehead pressure. Paddock told me they sourced them from Germany so it isn't the Asian shaped helmet, it will be the same as buying in Europe/America. It is one of the very few helmets with a five star safety rating from the folk at SHARP.
Price is 12,000baht which includes registered shipping within Thailand. Please message if interested or have any questions.