Riding up North -Msia -CNX - Loas - Cambodia

Apr 20, 2008
Hi guys

I'm in the prlimianary stages of planning my trip to Loas from CNX and thereafter to Cambodia in 3 stages (as I can't take any vacations longer than 5 working days). Here's the plan for the trip:-

Stage 1 -
Ride to CNX from M'sia on 22 July 09 (Wed) evening via Sadoa border.
Expect to reach CNX by 26 July 09 (Sun).

### 27 July 09 (Mon) To visit the CNX Customs Office near airport to request for extension of my bike entry permit which is 30 days from date of entry into Thai ie. 22/7/09 which expires on 20/8/09. The requested extension is expected to be at least till 8 September 09 (Tue). Don't know whether it is possible? Otherwise I risk being overstayed the bike in Thailand and may face problems at Imigration & Customs at Chiang Khong later. Even to the extent of being harrass by BIB at roadblocks for the overstayed bike.

28 July 09 (Tue) Take the afternoon flight back to M'sia. My bike will be left in CNX till my next visit somewhere early Sept 09 where I will fly in from M'sia to CNX.

Stage 2 (at least 9 days)
Fly in from KL either on 29 Aug 09 or 5 Sept 09 which is a Sat and departs CNX for Chiang Khong the next Sun for an overnight stay before crossing over to Huay Xai the next morning (Mon).

Expected to reach VTE by Sat and take a flight back to M'sia and the bike will be left in VTE till next visit somewhere in late Oct or early Nov 09 for the trip to Cambodia.

Stage 3 (at least 9 days)

Fly in from M'sia to VTE and rides to Cambodia and expected to return to Hatyai by the 8th day.

Alternatively I will leave my bike in Phnom Penh on the 8th day and takes a flight back to M'sia on the 9th day.

I will then collect my biike in a months time and rides home from Phnom Penh.

Kindly enlighten me on the issues of overstaying of the bike in Thailand and whether extension is permitted (early before expiry of the 30 days permit) or should I just ignore the requirement and pays for the fine of 2000 baht at Customs @ Chiang Khong?

Also whether I need to do the similar extensions in Laos & Cambodia for the overstaying of the bike? I'm having the impression that the Laos & Cambodia side is not as strict as Thailand on the overstayibng of the bike there.

My trip will not be possible if the customs authorities will impound my bike for the overstaying or imposing a heavy fine.

Any other comments or advise is much appreciated.



Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
lipmeng wrote: Hi guys

I'm in the prlimianary stages of planning my trip to Loas from CNX and thereafter to Cambodia in 3 stages (as I can't take any vacations longer than 5 working days). Here's the plan for the trip:-

Stage 1 -
Ride to CNX from M'sia on 22 July 09 (Wed) evening via Sadoa border.
Expect to reach CNX by 26 July 09 (Sun).

### 27 July 09 (Mon) To visit the CNX Customs Office near airport to request for extension of my bike entry permit which is 30 days from date of entry into Thai ie. 22/7/09 which expires on 20/8/09. The requested extension is expected to be at least till 8 September 09 (Tue). Don't know whether it is possible? Otherwise I risk being overstayed the bike in Thailand and may face problems at Imigration & Customs at Chiang Khong later. Even to the extent of being harrass by BIB at roadblocks for the overstayed bike.

28 July 09 (Tue) Take the afternoon flight back to M'sia. My bike will be left in CNX till my next visit somewhere early Sept 09 where I will fly in from M'sia to CNX.

Stage 2 (at least 9 days)
Fly in from KL either on 29 Aug 09 or 5 Sept 09 which is a Sat and departs CNX for Chiang Khong the next Sun for an overnight stay before crossing over to Huay Xai the next morning (Mon).

Expected to reach VTE by Sat and take a flight back to M'sia and the bike will be left in VTE till next visit somewhere in late Oct or early Nov 09 for the trip to Cambodia.

Stage 3 (at least 9 days)

Fly in from M'sia to VTE and rides to Cambodia and expected to return to Hatyai by the 8th day.

Alternatively I will leave my bike in Phnom Penh on the 8th day and takes a flight back to M'sia on the 9th day.

I will then collect my biike in a months time and rides home from Phnom Penh.

Kindly enlighten me on the issues of overstaying of the bike in Thailand and whether extension is permitted (early before expiry of the 30 days permit) or should I just ignore the requirement and pays for the fine of 2000 baht at Customs @ Chiang Khong?

Also whether I need to do the similar extensions in Laos & Cambodia for the overstaying of the bike? I'm having the impression that the Laos & Cambodia side is not as strict as Thailand on the overstayibng of the bike there.

My trip will not be possible if the customs authorities will impound my bike for the overstaying or imposing a heavy fine.

Any other comments or advise is much appreciated.

I would not be too optimistic about a bike extension from airport customs in Chiang Mai; generally I think the guys at the border ports are more considerate but Cnx airport is worth a try. If not the maximum fine is only 2,000 baht up to 6 months overstay. But ask RobertH as he is the real world expert on temporary bike imports permits.
The Thai customs staff – female & male - at Chiang Khong have always been very friendly & helpful, but they do like to be correct & do things by the book. However you would only be facing a fine of 2,000 baht.
I’ve never heard of anyone having their bike impounded by customs & paying a heavy fine.
The BIB seldom ask to see your customs import papers – I don’t know anyone who has been asked for them by the BIB.
Apr 20, 2008
Thanks David

I've now revised my route as the weather up North next month till Oct will be wet. So I will ride to Cambodia first and then proceed to Laos on the 2nd stage of the trip. I anticipate that the 3rd stage of the trip will be the ride from VTE to northern Laos and end at CNX. This may enable me to avoid the wet season which will end sometime in mid Oct.

I intend to leave my bike in CNX then and collect it later in Nov to ride home.

Hope that this time the trip will be realised as the last time in Feb it was cancelled last minute due to freezing of my annual leave.

Looking forward to meet up with your mates in CNX and I must apologised that I was not able to joint you for drink while I was in CNX in April.

Once again thanks for the info.

Warmest regards

Lip Meng