From Proposal for a couple of rides....The Legends 1148 Ride plus a Beer 'n a Baguette in NKP
The On & Off & On Again Phua Langkha Dinner & 1148 Legends Ride actually happened, thanks to the Unsanctioned Riders - Andrea, Paul & Bob - requesting to join in & therefore make it worthwhile organizing & having a go.
A big thanks too & kudos for Matthias who rode up alone from Bangkok to do 1148 with us & then ride back to Bkk.
The Unsanctioned Riders from Chiang Mai rode as a group, whilst the other guys - Matthias, Dave DKT, Heineken, David Unk all set off alone & just hooked up en route, or met at the Phu Langka Balcony for dinner & a long night chat = it was an unbelievable 1am bed time after a magic night sitting on that stunning terrace swapping stories & gossip by a very relaxed happy crew.
Two cases 0f Leo were acquired for the evening's chat & dinner & proudly put on display by reception.
The crew in attendance
The Jameson's way ahead on 1148
More to come..
The On & Off & On Again Phua Langkha Dinner & 1148 Legends Ride actually happened, thanks to the Unsanctioned Riders - Andrea, Paul & Bob - requesting to join in & therefore make it worthwhile organizing & having a go.
A big thanks too & kudos for Matthias who rode up alone from Bangkok to do 1148 with us & then ride back to Bkk.
The Unsanctioned Riders from Chiang Mai rode as a group, whilst the other guys - Matthias, Dave DKT, Heineken, David Unk all set off alone & just hooked up en route, or met at the Phu Langka Balcony for dinner & a long night chat = it was an unbelievable 1am bed time after a magic night sitting on that stunning terrace swapping stories & gossip by a very relaxed happy crew.
Two cases 0f Leo were acquired for the evening's chat & dinner & proudly put on display by reception.
The crew in attendance
The Jameson's way ahead on 1148
More to come..
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