NEW Triumph Motorcycles in Thailand

Jun 21, 2006
Well, seems the new Triumph dealer now up and running.......just received email below from a friend
Just thought I'd let all you good motorheads, especially the 2 wheeled chappies, that the beast is now here. Whilst in BKK looking for a Honda Valkryie I came across a Triumph dealership. Thought I'd pop in to have a look. Sat there looking like sex on wheels was my love. A Triumph Rocket 3. Even the wife thought it was the sexiest looking bike she;d seen and believe me I've shown here lots over the last few months. As soon as I' had my leg over I knew she just had to be mine. So having chosen my colour, black and red 2 tone and picked my extras Im now officially the first person to have a Rocket 3. She should be here by May from Blighty. A few little facts again for the petrol heads. Its the largest capacity production bike in the world, beating harleys 1550cc easily and Kawasakis Vulca 2000cc by 300cc at 2300cc. It has the same size pistons as the 5 litre Dodge Viper ( 3 of them) It has 140 BHP and an astonishing 147lb's of torque which it produces at just 2500rpm. It has more torque at tickover than a Honda Blackbird has at 8500rpm. it does 0-60 in 2.8 secs. It has the largest section rear tyre of any motorcycle. I could go on and on. I cant wait to feel the power.
Sep 19, 2006
You Sneaky Bugger John!!! That Trailer you were making to Tow your Bikes should be changed so you can Tow your Jazz with the Triumph!!!
See you soon.
I am interested in the Chiang Mai Dealer News, anyone got some info on it???
Cheers Ian.
Jun 21, 2006
Ian on my pc at home (Phuket), someone sent me fotos of the police with Honda ST100's that tow a small trailer, the trailer unfolds, they hitch a car to it,m and the bike tows the car away, will send you fotos when I get home

not sure what country somewhere northern europe I think
Mar 12, 2007
Hi all just to confirm I have an order for a Rocket 3 due to be delivered in May. Cant fault Yut in any way, Top man. Got a good price on bike and extras. I wish more Thai businesses could follow their example. Will post again when take delivery with a few photos. Safe riding[8D]


Mar 27, 2007
Hi Yut, glad you are kepping well. I ended up buying the HP2 from Barca. Kuhn J was very helpful, think he is with Ducati now. Will pop down the shop and see you sometime...

All the best



Mar 27, 2007
Yut, if I get my money back from Motozone, I will definately buy a Scrambler from you...[^]


Mar 27, 2007

Originally posted by JohhnyE

In general bikes are cheaper in Oz than anywhere else in the world and in Thailand probably the most expensive I've seen anywhere. Hard to justify spending 700,000 baht on a new bike costing 470,000 baht in Oz for a Speed Triple for example.
If only ASEAN was like the EEC we could all buy our bikes in Singapore or Malaysia and live happily in Thailand.

Yeah, but where else in the world can you get a pint of cold beer for 65 baht, noodles for 20 baht a beautiful woman for 1000 baht, it's all swings and rounabouts. I'll be ordering one for sure.....


Sep 17, 2006
Triumph opening do was on Monday night; I went and had a great time (free booze!). The bikes look great and the guys were really friendly. I think I'll make mine a Speed Trip (next year).

Nov 11, 2006
I have been searching the Triumpk UK website looking for details of the Thai importer/dealer.
Nothing at all listed for Thailand.
Is it official or just Triumph's website out of date?
What is the website for Brit Bike?


Mar 5, 2006
Britbikes have yet to have their website up & running as they are concentrating on getting the various arques through the toruous process of Thai homologation.
This hopefully will be completed soon - end of this month or next.
Remember where we are.
However the first batch of 17 bikes have almost all been sold.
Another 5 coming in at the end of the month.
Then a further 21 middle of next.

Khun Yut who is the manager is extremely helpful and straight about what is possible or not. He can be contacted on (089) 7711-677.

Britbikes are located in RCA Bangkok and are worth a visit if you really are interested - website shopping for bikes from any reputable dealer always entails a visit. Aslo, do bare in mind the versions being imported are the US Californian spec models as they need to meet the stringent Thai clean air laws!
You can download .pdf brochures from Triumph US site for spec and optional accessories.
I believe Khun Yut has posted the prices on this thread or a similar one about Triumph if you need to have an idea - remember that though some of the bikes [Scrambler/Bonnie/Thruxton] are being built in Chonburi we are still having to pay import duty.

Britbikes address is

29/75-6 Royal City Avenue
known colloquially as "RCA"
Soi Soonvichai,
Rama 9 Rd,
Bangkapi, Huay Kwang
BKK 10320
Nov 11, 2006
Thanks Rhodie,I'll visit the shop when I'm in Bangkok next.
Being California spec bikes then they'll be hopelessly strangled with anti pollution gear and making about 80% of real Aussie/UK Horsepower for the same bike.
Does anybody know or care what the fixes are for this if I bought one?
So are the Ducati's from Ducatisti the same? That is CA spec bikes?
Yut/Dom should know as that's where they were previously!


Mar 5, 2006
Do a loop to see Khun Yut at Triumph then Khun Jay at Ducati - their Hypermotard is something else. Tho I am not sure if they are importing it - maybe due to its height.
Their are many things you can do to get the Trumpets blowing properly - removing airbox & pipes being the first.
A great website for all things triumph is
many ideas and knowledge.
Have fun - Yut & Jay are few of those you can trust in the game.
Nov 11, 2006
I was reliably informed yesterday by somebody who has bought two Ducatis this year from Ducatisti that the Ducatis sold in Thailand are Australian spec bikes?
Given that Dom was/is a principle in Ducatisti why would he import California spec bikes for his new Triumph venture?
May 25, 2006
Hi Johnny, Hi everyone,

The only thing I know is about DUCATI, if you want to fixe or infos, please open a post under an other headline and I would be happy to contribute.

You can easily gain some HP from a stock bike for low investment but tuined properly.

Have fun


Mar 5, 2006
It was not Dom's choice - rather a dictat from Thai authorities as they had heard that the Californian spec models were "cleaner" and therefore they only want the best for the environment.
In so demanding Cali spec, rather than the originally planned UK spec models, this has delayed homologation and therefore the issuing of plates & greenbooks for all bikes sold.
Therein begs the question why they haven't moved on the buses that spew out clouds of smoke and the tuk-tuks.
But we must remember the topsy-turvey land we live in.
Nov 11, 2006
Yes a land of contradictions where perception is everything and reality is nothing and mostly meaningless!
That's why Thais drive around in cars 5 times more valuable than their houses.
Jun 19, 2007
Just a follow up on previous posting. Im glad to say my Rocket 3 finally arrived.Went up to BKK to pick it up last week. Everything spot on, they even fitted the immobilisor / alarm I bought from the UK. The first 3000kms have been a dream and haven't had so much fun since I dont know when.I even smile just looking at her. The whole purchase from first ordering the bike has been painless and without a hitch. A lot of that has had to do with Khun Yut who has replied to emails and calls promptly and with the information I required.A real pleasure to deal with, especially here in Thailand. If anyone is thinking of a new Triumph I cant recommend Brtibike enough. They certainly have made me a happy chappy. Back up to BKK tomorrow as the wife wants to test ride the Bonniville. Hope to see some of you northern guys in the next month or so on our trip up to Chiang Mai/ Rai etc. Stay upright [:D]
Jun 24, 2007
Hi Yut, I have a question for your new dealership. Will you be providing a spares service for older Triumphs that you have not sold ? I ask because I have a 1997 Triumph 595 Daytona, I believe you know the bike, I bought it from Eddie (BMW owner/rider near Pattaya). The 595 has had a few problems and I have had to bring spares in from England to fix, it is a lengthy procedure. Thus I am interested to hear if you can / will order spares for machines such as mine. Thanks


Mar 5, 2006
I am sure they will do what they can for you.
Last week they were working on an old [2nd generation] Speed Triple.
They will have to order parts and wait for them to arrive.
Jan 19, 2007
Thank you krab khun Rhodie ,

Yes we can service your 595 ,please call my Mobile 089 7711677 .so we can discuss on details.
If your bike need to be pick up ,we can arrange that also.

Thank you so much and looking forward to hearing from you.
Oct 17, 2006
How is the Homologation and registration of the bikes coming along, do u all have green books ?


Oct 14, 2005
Thailand aims to become export hub for large cycles
MILAN, July 30 (TNA) -- After clinching a deal in which Triumph Motorcycles decided to invest another Bt3.5 billion in Thailand, the kingdom now aims to become a production and export hub for large-sized motorcycles, said Kosit Panpiemras, deputy prime minister and industry minister.

Mr. Kosit has just concluded five-day visits to Britain and Italy, which began July 25.

In Britain he met Triumph Motorcyles president John Bloor, who agreed to invest an additional Bt3.5 billion in 2008 in Thailand operations for manufacturing parts for large-sized motorcycles.

At present, the company has a plant in Thailand's eastern seaboard province of Rayong.

With the additional investment, the company plans to assemble about 50,000 large-sized motorcycles annually.

Mr. Kosit said he had ordered Satit Chanjavanakul, secretary general of the state-run Board of Investment, to map out plans on promoting investment for large-sized motorcycles with the engine capacity from 500 cc upwards which have a global demand of over 100,000 units annually.

Besides Triumph Motorcycles, two or three major large-sized motorcycle producers may also invest in Thailand, Mr. Kosit said, adding that he expected the investment promotional plan would be completed soon.

Mr. Kosit said he had also held talks with Giorgio Garimberti, operations chief of VM Mortori, Italy's major diesel engine manufacturer, who said that his company was keen to set up a factory in Thailand in 2008, with production starting in the following year. The investment by VM Mortori is around Bt450-900 million. (TNA)-E111