Motorcycle Jump Over The Mekong River - Guinness R

Nov 14, 2004
Hey Dave FL, the brolly dolly has my vote!!!
But the ole guy needs some T.L.C. Must be the food an Chang, thats taken It's toll, plastic an option these days for that metro-sexual GT Rider.[8D]
Regards Scott....


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Errh, that's the dolly brolly on the right mate.
Not 100% sure about the character on the left, but methinks he drinks too much tea without appropriate supervision.
Proabably what he needs to do to get the adrenalin flowing properly again is to follow Mr KTM / The Water Consultant on a quick thrash between Phonsvan & Xam Neua, where the WC just drilled his first bore in the ditch alongside the road with his KTM. No water was found but considerable gravel rash I understand.
Actually I'll be meeting up with the WC back in Vte mid-next week to drill a few more exploratory bores beside the 'Khong. We may not find water, but Im sure there'll be sufficient liquid nourishment involved. Should be a hoot either way.....

Keep The Power On
Sep 10, 2005
The aged (with age comes knowledge)Tea Drinker on the left of that photo retired, early and "alone" that night, after having spent a long, hard day looking for possible jump/landing sites. Roaring off into the night with the dolly in question, errr, questionable dolly, was one size 13 BMW R1200 GS rider, one KTM Adventure rider and one Africa Twin rider, all of whom reportedly ended up at a "rice-paddy-gay-disco." What jump sites they explored in the rice paddy or holes they bored is best left to speculation, but we are assured they stuck to their assigment.... and were looking spiffy and nervous the next morning at Immigration and Customs.
An Old American Indian saying may apply here: "Bore no hole unless you know." I believe the saying referred to drilling for oil in Oklahoma but loses some its translation by the time it passes through "The North Thai Tea Drinking Society's Handbook For Proper Field Reseach Procedures."
Sep 10, 2005
Due to the degree of the significant danger factor associated with this event, the North Thai Tea Drinking Society is in search of a monkish or similiarly pious volunteer consultant to sheperd the project.

Globe Rider Greg
Sep 10, 2005
NEWS BRIEF - April 27, 2006
Theological Leader Appointed, Asylum Choir
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society has issued a Revelation announcing the appointment of the Reverend Bob as Theological Consultant to the Mekong Jump Project. According to unnamed sources inside the secret society, the Reverend Bob "brings to the project a veneration characteristic of the significance of this revered event."
The source went on to say, "The Reverend Bob has given assurances that if the project leadership decides to choose Cambodia as a landing point he will avail his Asylum Choir to provide pious incantations." Some of the members of the Asylum Choir are rumored to have been personally recruited by Reverend Bob from the Sophie Club, a well-known establishment frequented by oral connoisseurs of attentive cantationers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
One of the advantages in considering the Reverend Bob's suggestion of Cambodia is not needing to deal with Immigration exiting from one country and entering another. The Jump rider could take off and land in Cambodia. A proposal has been to make the jump across the Mekong near Phnom Penh. Spectators could view the event from the Foreign Correspondents Club of Cambodia and possibly the California 2. The Reverend Bob has offered provide his ecciesiastical assistance and that of the Asylum Choir in future research for this proposal.
Nov 14, 2004
Greg, if the most reverand Bob get a higher calling an is lifted of this "Mighty coil", I'm a god bother'a I'm known to my frock as Pastor Flagon,I'm known to inbibe a bit, an do have a few carnel sins I'm working through. But all that aside, I can thump a pulpet,an put the fear of god into pagan dirt worshipers.
So add me to the list of support crew for the mighty "MekongJump".
As an Aussie its a given that I tend a mean bar[}:)]
Sep 10, 2005
May, 18, 2006
London, UK
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society has been notified by Guinness World Records of the acceptance of the "Longest ramp jump - motorcycle (male)" record. Currently the record is 84.5 m (277 ft, 4 inches) set May 14, 2005 by Trigger Gumm (USA), on a Honda CR500. According to a spokeperson for the PoohBahs of the North Thai Tea Drinking Society:
"If our pilot were to only jump that far he'd land in the middle of the Mekong River. There are some physics involved here, as well as trajectory, horsepower and most of all, willpower. Where there is a way there is a will."
One of the requirements set forth by Guinness officials is "This record should only be attempted by a professional stuntsman or professional motor cyclist/speedway rider or similar." In case The Temple Hunter (USA) is committed elsewhere at the time of the record jump attempt, a "second" or stand-in has volunteered, Khun Slide, editor/publisher of America's famed DUAL SPORT NEWS Adventure magazine. When told of the danger involved, Khun Slide said, "Yeah! Count me in."
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society is also considering recent applications for other volunteer slots in this massive undertaking that include ramp design, structural integrity and barman. The Reverend Bob is rumored to be on an extended road trip interviewing prospects for his Asylum Choir.
A recent development is an interview with 67 year-old Evel Knievel, 1970s cultural icon, and poster boy for fast living and dering-do. Knievel survived 300 perilous motorcycle jumps, including an unsuccessjump over the Snake River Canyon in Idaho in 1974. His hometown of Butte, Montana celebrates Evel Knievel Days every July.
Sep 10, 2005
Fish Boy has signed on with the North Thai Tea Drinking Society as a third rider to attempt the Guinness Record Distance Jump over the Mekong. Khun Fish (Kurt Olsen from Yellowtail, Montana USA) is a Harley-Davidson rider. He has just returned from Iraq. He says, "So what if I come up short and land in the Mekong. It would be cool-ing after the 130-degree stuff I've been through in Iraq and the sand."
Meanwhile, Harley-Davidson "announced their satisfaction with a new trade agreement with Vietnam, which reduces the trade barriers to motorcycle imports and operation. Vietnam reportedly agreed to drop the ban on large displacement motorcycles, adopt an easier license system, relax distribution restrictions and lower taxes on imported bikes with 650cc or larger engines by 60 persent." (Source: Motorcycle Industry magazine, July 2006).
According to a mole deep in the bowels of the North Thai Tea Drinking Society, "This news opens a whole new venue for our project. An AMF Harley-Davidson like Khun Fish rides would really make a big splash in the news if the attempt was from Vietnam to Cambodia or the other direction. Even an 883 Sportster would be a big splash."
Evel Knievel, "ridden hard and put away with regret" for not having ridden faster on several of his failed attempts at long jumps used Harley-Davidsons. A consultation with the famed daredevil is slated to lay out plans for the Mekong Jump.
Sep 10, 2005
NEWS RELEASE - July 22, 2006
One of our favorite motorcycle rags in the USA has stumbled across the Mekong Guinness Record Jump. CITY BIKE, a San Francisco based motorcycle newspaper well known for being a loosened leader in the tightly wrapped USA motorcycle magazine market, published the following in their August, 2006 issue:
“JUMP THE MEKONG. OK, we lifted this intriguing tale off the internet and you tell us if you think this is true or have these clever fellows made this stuff up in order to drive traffic to their site.
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society has proposed to set a Guinness World Record by jumping a motorcycle over the Mekong River. This $6,000,000 USD project is now in Phase One. Landing sites in Laos and Cambodia have been researched by members of the Society, the Mekong River Commissions of each country contacted and fund raising efforts begun. Due to the complexity of leaving one country and landing in another, customs and immigration processes have also been explored by members of the Society.
At the request of Guinness a lengthy registration has been completed. One proposed jump site is a narrow section of the Mekong near Laos where sacred catfish spawn (that’s what it says, sacred catfish).
The Chinese government has offered to dynamite the rocks to make the river deeper so boats from China could go all the way through to Vietnam. Now the river water is too shallow and dangerous (but good for jumping still). The rocks could be used for supporting parts of the proposed ramps.”
Above the article appears a black and white photograph of North Thai Tea Drinker # 1, the GT-Rider, carefully piloting his Africa Twin onto a ferry at Chiang Khong while being observed by Barry BBQ and Water Boy for possible penalty points after a dab. The following caption was printed beneath the photo: “Work starts on building Mekong River jump ramp…launch spot sought.”
Published, edited, distributed and marketed by the “world’s oldest newspaper boy,” CITY BIKE knows how to sniff out good two wheel times.
One moto-media source quipped, “Who says you can’t have fun with motorcycles if you are over 40...or in Unkovich’s case, ummmm, errrrr,, maybe we’d better add a bit more years. Of course CITY BIKE would be the first USA motorcycle publication to sniff out the sanouk (Thai for fun) scene. Editor-In-Chief, Brian Halton has years of hardened experience sniffing out good psycho-motorcycling times. I’d not be surprised to find him on the bank of the Mekong when the jump takes place, smoking a cigar and swirling a chilled swill with a chain oil covered index finger as the jumper took the plunge.”
Sep 10, 2005
Evel Knievel, 67 years young, and about as busted up as a living motorcycle daredevil can be, often came up short in his jump attempts. He said, "I can't wait to meet God and ask why he didn't make me go faster on some of those jumps."
Current world-record holder for distance, Trigger Gumm (277 1/2 feet), recently crashed trying to best his own record. He hit the ramp at about 90 mph trying for a 315 feet record. He was 70 feet in the air before he landed on a dirt ramp, lost control and crashed his custom-built 450cc Service Honda. Ooooopppppps! As he walked to a waiting ambulance, which transported him to a local (Miami, Oklahoma) hospital it was rumored he looked skyward and said, "God, why didn't you let me go faster!"
The Mekong Record Jump pilot is going to have no throttle choice. The throttle on the motorcycle will be wired WFO.
A prototype jump bike is now in the design phase. It may be on display at Joe's Bike Team shop, Chiang Mai, in early 2007.
To clear the Mekong at the proposed jump, the pilot and motorcycle will not have the danger of landing on solid ground if he comes up short. Swim fins and a life vest will be stashed in the cockpit however.
Aug 22, 2006
May I suggest to use a hard-tail for the stunt? I ride mostly hard-tails, and I see almost just advantages by it. On my soft-tail Triumph I have to replace shockabsorbers every third year for instance, on my hard-tails I never got this problems. A hard-tail would ad some extra spice to the stunt, and you would easily notice when you are down on the ground again.

Tormod Amlien
Sep 10, 2005
GT Rider Board back in the USA Motorcycle News:
A clip from the infamous CITY BIKE newspaper section, "News, Clues & Rumors" reads in the September, 2006 issue after the header MORE MEKONG JUMP:
"Published, edited and distributed by and marketed by the world's oldest newspaper boy, CITY BIKE knows how to sniff out good two-wheel times. One moto-media source quiped 'Of course CITY BIKE would be the first USA motorcycle publication to sniff out the sanouk (Thai word for fun) scene. Editor-in-Chief Brian Halton has years of hardened experience sniffing out good psycho-motorcycling times. I'd not be surprised to find him on the bank of the Mekong when the jump takes place, smoking a cigar and switling a chilled swill with a chain oil covered index finger as the jumper took the plunge.'"
The full article describes plans for the jump ramps, the North Thai Bridge Design Committee's first meeting in January, 2007, and the three crazed volunteer riders. It goes on to suggest that any CITY BIKE readers "who know how to wick the throttle to the stop with a smile on your face while knowing there might be success in failure" might wish to sign on as part of the ride team."
Sep 10, 2005
The North Thai Tea Drinkers are attempting to enter into negotiations with the owner of the BUB streamliner that recently set the world land speed record. The BUB (which stands for Big Ugly Bastard) flew through the speed traps on the Bonneville Salt Flats at 584 km/h (for the Yanks that means 350 mph). The BUB is on display at the American Motorcyclist Museum in Pickerington, Ohio through early October. The Tea Drinker's designated hitter is on the scene to make a deal. If he is unable to do the deal he has been instructed to try for the 50-cc world record holder, set in 1981. The Netherlands tiddler bagged 222.026 km/h (137.961 mph) powered by a Kreidler power plant. According to one of the three Mekong Jump pilots, "I'll wire the throttle WFO, take a running start of 1-2 kilometers, and given the projected trajectory of 44 degrees, should easily clear the Mekong, setting the world record. We'll use the bridge to ride back."
Tea Drinker Central News Release
Feb 21, 2006
While on a field research mission in Bangkok recently, I had the occasion to meet with fellow Tea Drinking Society member Globe Rider Greg. We reviewed the current status of the Mekong River Jump, and decided that we needed to learn more about the Mekong River – in particular the Giant Mekong Catfish that it is known for.

A day trip was organized and the two of us headed out to Bung Sam Ran Lake in Bangkok. On the way to the lake, I listened as Greg proudly told me all about the big trout that he catches on the stream next to his cabin in Montana. “They’re this big!” he said as he held his hands far apart. I asked him if he liked fighting big fish and he said “The bigger the better!” We hired a local guide and fishing tackle was provided for us. Greg was very skeptical about the presence of the mighty fish in Bangkok but I reassured him that they did indeed exist.

About 5 minutes after the first bait was cast, Greg was fighting his first fish of the day. It would be the first of probably 20 fish that he landed that day. There was a discussion of fish that had been landed the previous evening but today’s task was to see who could land the biggest fish.


It's a big one


First fish of the day


Kissy kissy

We decided that the plight of the mighty Giant Mekong Catfish was important enough that we should consider the environmental impact of the proposed Guinness record attempt. A few weeks later, we had a quorum of Tea Drinkers again (2 or more is all it takes) and we also decided that the newest GT dirt rider should be our first test pilot.

The prototype design was originally developed by a Kiwi named Burt Munro. The original still holds several land speed records on the Bonneville salt flats. We thought that with a few modifications it could certainly propel Bull Dust Bob up and over the river. We added military surplus afterburners to give the extra thrust that would be required to send BDB up and over.


If you're not bandwidth impaired, you are invited to view youtube video footage of our day of research in Bangkok here:

If you’re in Thailand, or somewhere else that has ridiculously slow bandwidth, you may notice that youtube playback is slow and jerky. If this happens, the trick is to start playing the clip, turn off you audio, go off and do something else, come back to that page, turn your audio on and click Watch Again. If you’re on dial-up, move somewhere where you can get dsl or go to an internet café.
Sep 10, 2005
"Bull Dust Bob" reflects the secret alpha juice of the hardened daredevil the North Thai Tea Drinkers feel can successfully pilot the Mekong Rocket Bike over the river. Purloined photos posted on the Internet and around Chiang Mai of the prototype Mekong Rocket Bike, with Bull Dust Bob as test pilot, have prompted the North Thai Tea Drinking Society to announce a confab to be held during the Welcome Ceremony of the Horizons Unlimited Traveler's Meeting at the Down Under Restaurant in Chiang Mai January 12, 2007, 6:00 PM.
Sep 10, 2005
Latest news is site search continues. Tea Drinker Unko plans a Mekong River Elephant Float to examine both sides of the river. Temple Hunter is now in Laos doing research from that side. Dr. G plans an expeditionary run at and along the west side of the the river in February using the famed Kawasaki Cult Bike.
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society was happy to host nearly 60 swillers at the recent Horizons Unlimited Welcome reception in Chaing Mai January 13, 2007. Earlist arrival at the function was Bull Dust Bob who was given his first chance to view the Mekong River Jump marketing poster where he was profiled next to his rocket bike. During that planning meeting the secret logo for the NTTDS was exposed, a tea pot on two motorcycle wheels.
Fund raising continues at a rapid pace, fast enough to keep pace with the planning and research costs. One of the mottos for the Society was also secretly exposed on certain event tickets: "Drink King." Reportedly only two lucky ticket holders were able to find the hint, scoring first row seat for the Jump.
It was rumored Bridge Boy and WOW Boy ran into a flock of butterflys while attending their consultation meeting January 13. Two of their team suffered such serious injuries they went AWOL February 14 to seek medicinal care assistance. Plans were for the Bridge Consultant team to report back on their findings after they recovered from their Butterfly beating.
Sep 10, 2005
Promotional activities are ahead of schedule, kind of got away from the Tea Drink King's schedule. Seen in the toilet at Sharkey's in PP last week was a Bull Dust Bob sticker!!! And GT Rider has been exploring medical evacuation procedures from the Loas side of the Mekong to Thailand. A speed test of one of the posssible Jump Bikes, a 200-cc two stroker, resulting in a minor engine failure as it approached to 200 kph mark.
The North Thai Tea Drinking Society Kings have taken these small setbacks in stride, adjusted their marketing program accordingly, and will soon announce a major new initive. They did received accolades though for their selection of PR/umbrella girls working the door at the Down Under reception for the HU attendees and banquet.