Loei Nan Trip.

Sep 19, 2006
Started out on the 9Th March, The Idea to get a Last Ride in before it gets To Polluted and Hot!!! We all meet up at the Macro Car Park on the Superhighway and there was a Big group 10 Bikes for Our Trip and another 1 which tagged along as far as Lampang.
Meeting at Macro.

Stopped at the Shell Station past Lampang for a Drink and some of the Guys to top up with Fuel.

From here we headed down to Uttaradit then cut off up to the Sirikit Dam where We decided to Stop at the Golf Club Restaurant right on the river! Very Nice, Great Service and the Staff seemed very Pleased We were there!!! They took a bunch of Photos of Us all eating then later insisted on a Group shot of Us with Our Bikes!!!
The Guys.


The River View from the Club House.


Organizing The Group Photo with Our Bikes.


From here We carried on and managed to Lose Richard by the time we got to Our Next Stop??? After some time and a Multitude of Phone Calls We decided to carry on and Meet up with Richard later!!! Off We went again and spread out at Our own Pace some just enjoying the Ride and View? It was Very Dry, Hot, and Smokey with a lot of Fires actually Burning as We passed. Even though it was a Nice Ride. Eventually I came across this:
Some Guys standing on the Road and a Skid Mark, Oh No???

Another Skid Mark disappearing off the Road.

Then I spotted Stan and His Bike way off the Road in the Scrub!!! Seems He had come in To Hot and locked up His Wheel and once it got into the Gravel it was all Over and this Road was covered in Fine Gravel everywhere except in the wheel Tracks!
The Guys got Him up and started Recovering His Bike.

Tim administered First Aid to Stan's Multitude of Grazes on His Arm.

Once the Bike was Out the Guys had to Loosen the Triple Clamps to straighten the Twisted Front end, Remove the Mangled Front Guard and it was ready to Ride again!!!

Here is Short Video I took Explaining the Crash
[youtube:mm60ms8q] /youtube:mm60ms8q]

Obviously with everything that had happened We had Lost a Lot of time! So on the Road again and all Credit to Stan, Bruised and Battered He Road On!!! The Afternoon quickly Turned into Dusk then Darkness and We seemed to Ride forever and get No Nearer to Loei??? We had obviously Taken some Wrong Turns and everywhere We Rode the Entire Hillsides were on Fire and Dante's Inferno Reigned Supreme!!! I have never seen so Much Burning as it was Actually happening, and I mean everywhere!!! We eventually made it to Dan Sai where we refueled for the final Run into Loei. After a Marathon Ride we arrived and checked into the King Hotel at 9pm. A Quick Shower then it was time for Beer and to Terrorize the Town. A few unnamed Members of Our Group did a Cracking Job of that!!! I headed back from the "Robot Club" about 2 pm well spent and left some others to Hold Camp till the Wee Hours of the next Morning!!!
Wednesday the 10Th I had a rare sleep in till 9am then ventured downstairs for a casual breakfast as the Troops slowly re-Grouped!!!
Our Bikes outside the King Hotel Loei.

After Much debating Pikey had eventually arranged for Us to meet up with John Gooding so off We went out of Town to Our Rendezvous! That was all of Us except Stan Who was feeling Considerably Stiffer the Next day after His Crash so stayed at the Hotel and arranged for His Missus to Drive the Considerable distance to Loei in His Pickup to Collect both Him & Bike!!! We managed to Meet John in the middle of No-where???

I must Say that it was Really Cold Riding during the day which was a Surprise and it never Warmed up at all??? John took us for a Scenic Ride around the Local countryside and looked at a few attractions. We stopped for Lunch here.

You could go for a Walk through the Rocks but no one was feeling very adventurous so only a handful of Us took a look, Nice Views.


From here the Group got smaller as some headed back to Town. After a nice Ride we decided to look for a Winery on the way to Dan Sai, again Our Group got smaller as others headed back so in the end there was only 5 of Us that actually made it there so here's the Proof!!!

Bob brought a Bottle to try at Dinner, Not Cheap this Thai Wine at 1500 Baht per bottle!!!

Back to Town, All meet up for another session in town although some what quieter than Our First night!!! Still managed till near 2am though!
Up Early on Thursday Morning and on the Road to Nan. A few less Riders with Stan, Sean and Richard taking a different Route so down to 7. It was a Really Cold start again! We followed the Laos Border Roads most of the way. Very Nice Riding and a lot of New Tarseal has been Laid. Unfortunately there is still a lot of Loose Gravel from the new Seal covering the Road Surface so Caution is needed but this Road will be a Real Ripper once the Rain Season has come and Washed it Clean??? The Perfect Roads for Motard, Roll on KTM!!! As we progressed through the Day and edged Closer to Nan the Weather Heated up and it was real Hot by Our arrival!!! We stopped at this Bridge for a re-Group.

My Triumph Tiger overlooking the River.

We arrived in Nan about 5pm. Checked into the Dhevaraj Hotel and a relatively quiet night was had.
Next Morning Friday off We rode taking the Easy Road back, Most of Us went to Phayao for Lunch while Pikey & Bob took the faster Road Via Lampang. I arrived back at the X-Centre around 4:30 after a Great few Days away. Thanks Guys. Look forward to the next one!!!


Jun 28, 2007
Ian, nice report & ride and OH NO NOT AGAIN, so who's the bad omen in this trip Jeff or you ????? :lol: . Could do with some hocuspocus from some amulette bearing medicineman..... :p . What's the bike Stan rode ? Am I right in assuming a CBR150 ? Next time you do such a ride, please call me up as of next week, I'm ready to ride :D ...........anyway see you this weekend for some 'Tigers' at the XC. Cheers, Franz
Dec 27, 2007
Great report! What's up with all the crashes lately? You guys trying to compete with the SSR Hooligans for who get's the most road rash? :mrgreen: Ha ha ah!!!
All's well that ends well!
Ride On!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Well done Bungy. Another good trip report from you & no personal crash. All good stuff.

It must start to be a worry though, going out with more riders with mixed bikes & riding skills & "regular" crashes. Let's hope none of them become too serious or even fatal.

With various bikes & skills it's always wise to slow the pace down & not tempt weaker riders to be on the limit in an attempt tp keep up & then stuff up.

Lets hope too that a few of the other 9 riders can add something to the trip report. :)

Take care all now.
Feb 10, 2007
want to say thanks to the guys for all your help when i fell off . seem's like the angels & God had mercy on me ,i have no other excuse's -just got into the corner too hot . sorry to hang the group up . thanks tim & sean , jeff , john & all for taking such good care of me. stan


Sep 14, 2008
Stan good to see you take responsiblity for your actions & not blame the led riders(Be a Man), as you know I was at the back of the pack, not becuase I'm a drunkered, which I am, but becuase I'm a Sh*ty rider & know my limits. On a bike that is. The Lead riders did a great job keeping the pack together in spite of the condition.

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