Lesson learned -- Torso and arm protection

Feb 13, 2010
So I was off riding just around town and found this amazing, well I would call it like an Enduro Fun Park. Just behind Nakorn Ping Hospital near the Reservoir....... They had jumps, single track trails, and some real steep runs, as well as these like practice berms to run up and down.... I was amazed that it's only 20 minutes from the city and thought it might be for BMX though I was cruising around on the 250. Anyone been up in here that does Moto-Cross......

So after an hour I was beat and realizing that all this area was a bit of a higher experience level then I can ride and made me think I shouldn't ride alone. Though i don't know anyone that Moto-Cross in Chiang Mai.... Anyways, I thought just to race around and track the trails on the GPS.... Was doing about 40 KMH and it got real hard and rocky when I went down, and went down hard.

The one piece of gear I didn't wear that day, a good jacket with arm and torso padding... Well, when I stood up I saw the white meat in small open part of my arm and blood was pouring out.

Being alone and mostly I always treat or worry about the worst case scenario. Cut vein, so I grab a bandage out of the bag and put a quick tourniquet on and tried riding to the road. Later crashed again and started to lose feeling in my arm. Thinking maybe broken put a splint on (though it was just the lack of blood from my tourniquet lol )... Anyways, walked through a rice field with some kids and a backo driver gave me a lift to the hospital. 9 stiches later, not broken, just a bad laceration that was a small bit down to the bone.

Anyways lesson learned. Where torso gear when it becomes technical and ride with a buddy on the hard stuff..... So will be healing for a few days and looks like I'll be off to work in couple weeks, though looking forward to getting back by mid June after working and tearing it up again.


I had more pictures of this fun park / BMX / Enduro area; though I've been having a real pain in the &^% getting photobucket or image shack to work today.... I'm really curious if anyone knows this place and rides on a 250 dirt bike there?



They gave me Morphin..... 3 X-rays, 9 stitches, cleaning, grand total 720 baht; love Thailand.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong

Lucky man. Thanks for the report & reminder yet again that we are only mortals. Many guys wouldn't own up to their spills, so well done. Take care & get well soon.

If you're looking for a fellow trail rider for Doi Suthep
knows a few trails
as does

That's three crash reports now guys....we should all be in the clear for awhile.
Aug 29, 2008
are these the trails behind 700 yr stadium?
where they're building new houses?
I dont recall any jumps, but steep bits I find too intimidating atm yes
hopefully my bike'll be working properly soon
I brought my armour
Feb 13, 2010
That's it, yeah just where they are doing the construction.... Definitely bring the armor, I should have lol... Well there weren't like man made proper jumps but enough places to catch some air. Getting to it off the main road and following the dirt road there was a turn and off to the right was a man made Berm which was flat on the otherside...... The Berm was about 14 tall steep but could get some air and several feet off the ground. I didn't go for it as I wanted someone else there to be doing that kind of stuff.... Fun little place though.
Jun 21, 2006
yep looks like 700 yr complex, andf that park yes is used a lot by bmx'ers and by a local rider Nop, its where he operates his " schools " from!

Doi Sutthep has an amazing amount of trails, but if you get bored try heading out to samoeng and chiang dao districts, they are both brilliant off-road areas.

If you want a day in the dirt I'd be glad to show you a few trails, and I know BignTall off the board is always keen to.