Lady Bikers Ride: Mok Fa Waterfall - Mae Ngat

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Destination 1: Mok Fa Waterfall via 107 / 1095
Destination 2: Mae Ngat Dam for lunch - via 1095 / 107 / 1323
Meeting Place: 10am - Pro Car Wash, CNX

The Ladies Team:
Ann - Honda Phantom 200

Som - BMW Dakar 650

Tukata - Honda Shadow 400

Well - Kawasaki Ninja 650

The Mens Team
Ben - Kawasaki Vulcan 900
John - Yamaha Fazer F1 1000
Phil - KTM 990

NB: No men's photos, because this ride was not about US!

Met on time, departed after asking John which way out of town... right at the lights was his guess (onto the end of the Superhighway). Tukta, Som and Well hit the road with John. Ann was in front of us, Phil and I were the back-markers. Ann was instructed to turn right at the lights, but SHE saw the others go straight through and followed them... Phil and I were tucked in behind a van and did not realise which way the others had gone until it was too late! :)

Knowing the destination is useful, so we headed out 107 expecting to intercept the other 5 riders where Canal Road meets 107. However, we got in front - they'd stopped on Canal Road to await our arrival :)

We stopped so Phil could fuel up - the rest of the team passed without noticing us! However, we were eventually reunited a the intersection of 1095 and 107 and carried on to Mok Fa Waterfall. An obligatory "Ladies Team Photo" was posed for;

Left to right: Well, Ann, Som Tukata
Followed by a walk up the the waterfall...

By this time, having walked up hill to see the waterfall and back down again, lunch is becoming an issue... so we set forth to Mae Ngat Dam, where there are restaurants overlooking the lake. Water levels are only 46% of normal according to Phil.

A delightful lunch, but I neglected to taker any photos of the dining facilities or the food.

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Actually, it was very enjoyable to see the girls in action. Ann was delighted to meet other women with similar interests and dare I say it, courage. It takes guts for a woman to ride a bigger bike out on the highway, and I think the ladies really enjoyed the outing. They certainly looked good together! Plans are afoot to do it again, an overnight ride to Phayao is in the planning stages, I believe...

The Goddess was fired up afterwards - I let her lead on 1001 to Phrao / and 1150 to Wiang Pa Pao and she was on fire, screwing the throttle off the Phantom through the twisties, both up and downhill! I was amazed - if she'd had more power, I'd have struggled to keep up! She spent most of last night on the Internet, trawling the ads for a suitable replacement for the Phantom.

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Oh, Phil.... Who's a funny guy then? :lol-sign:

Hey, think about this - you could earn yourself no end of brownie points by getting Som a "proper" bike that she can ride with ease (preferably without needing you there to manhandle it on the awkward bits). Frankly, that overly-tall BMW looks to be more of a liability than an asset, even for a tall and capable woman. Get her a cruiser (or a Ninja 650) that she can sit on and place both feet on the street at the intersections and she'll love you twice as much!

As for the Harley idea for Ann... Thanks, but no thanks, I'd much rather buy a 2nd Vulcan!!! :crazy:

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Phil, I've got a similar challenge with replacing the Phantom - although neither Ann nor I are that interested in dirt riding (in Laos or anywhere else) its fair to say.

For someone weighing 50kgs, a taller sports or enduro-style bike is a constant danger at slippery intersections, especially if you can't plant both feet firmly on the ground. During Hot Season up here, its so very easy to slip over when you stop, even with grip-tread boots on! Excessive power is also a concern, for pretty much the same reason - too easy to spin the rear wheel when the lights go green - or to lock up a wheel with even a mild brake application!

For Ann, I'm leaning more towards a 400cc v-twin with plenty of torque, a low centre of gravity and a nice low seat position. Comfortable, adequately but not excessively powerful. Something she can ride easily all day... She could / would ride an ER6... but she's also of the opinion she'd get more pleasure out of riding a "chopper" - and given the Thai love affair with what we'd call cruisers, the "looking good" style aspect is also very important important! She did rather like Tukta's Honda Shadow Classic!
Sep 4, 2007
Hopefully guys allowed to post as well as the ladies.
Good day out and nice for me to see some of local, not too far away, places to go on a bike.
Must learn to keep my mouth shut, when i do not really know where we were going. Heard it was past Mae Rim. However as so often in Thailand all worked out and everybody enjoyed a good day out.

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Well, The Goddess has found a new ride - a 10 month old 2009 ER6N (with ABS) and 7500kms on the clock, for under 200k THB... she also got 5k THB more for a trade-in than she actually paid for the Phantom! The decision was made on the basis of the ER6n being a near-new bike with a factory warranty and a genuine number plate and registration book. Whilst she liked the "cruiser" style, finding a fully legal 400cc Shadow / Vulcan / Dragstar with that kind of mileage / condition for comparable money is pretty much an impossible task!

The ER6n is sexy, modern, mild-mannered and polite but capable of scaring you if you wind it up... a lot like her, really...
- with 70+ horsepower compared to the Vulcan's 50hp, its unlikely she'll be complaining about lack of power
- or be forced to watch the Vulcan transforming into an ever-diminishing black dot, and fading into the distance...

About the one thing left that will keep me in front is testosterone - and that manly, unflinching ability to exercise judgement (take risks) that no woman would dare (be stupid enough) to attempt! :roll:
Sep 4, 2007
Kiwi Cruiser wrote: .

About the one thing left that will keep me in front is testosterone - and that manly, unflinching ability to exercise judgement (take risks) that no woman would dare (be stupid enough) to attempt! :roll:
Maybe you would like to follow K. Tukata through some traffic, you may change your mind about womens attitude to risk.

Kiwi Cruiser

Ben Kemp
May 26, 2007
Ha! Its funny how the ladies carve through the traffic as if its a video game, without a thought to the consequences... But show them a series of s-bends, switchbacks, hairpins or a mountainous roller-coaster ridge ride, most will throttle right off!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Kiwi Cruiser wrote: Well, The Goddess has found a new ride - a 10 month old 2009 ER6N (with ABS) and 7500kms on the clock, for under 200k THB... she also got 5k THB more for a trade-in than she actually paid for the Phantom! The decision was made on the basis of the ER6n being a near-new bike with a factory warranty and a genuine number plate and registration book. Whilst she liked the "cruiser" style, finding a fully legal 400cc Shadow / Vulcan / Dragstar with that kind of mileage / condition for comparable money is pretty much an impossible task!

The ER6n is sexy, modern, mild-mannered and polite but capable of scaring you if you wind it up... a lot like her, really...
- with 70+ horsepower compared to the Vulcan's 50hp, its unlikely she'll be complaining about lack of power
- or be forced to watch the Vulcan transforming into an ever-diminishing black dot, and fading into the distance...

About the one thing left that will keep me in front is testosterone - and that manly, unflinching ability to exercise judgement (take risks) that no woman would dare (be stupid enough) to attempt! :roll:
Bloody hell, the Goddess is certainly moving along now. Congratulations Ann (& Ben.) :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Apr 23, 2006
Looks a really good buy! Am glad you part x'd the Phantom - I had Fon suggesting she might like it when I told her Ann was after something bigger! I prefer to have her on the back of the Bonnie - the clucking & cackling is not really a problem - I always wear ear defenders! Hope to see you both this way again soon. :clap:


Jun 28, 2007
Ann, congratulations to your new bike !! Stunning with the rimstrips in matching colours !!!! Hats off for the 4 ladies, this is going to develop into a real challenge for some guys :oops: :lol: :mrgreen: now that they are on matching powerful bikes, rgds, FR