2013-0701 - Bernama - Opening Of 4th Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge Delayed
Opening Of 4th Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge Delayed
BANGKOK, July 1 (Bernama) -- Budget problems among Southeast Asian countries involved in financing the fourth Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge have delayed its opening by over a hundred days.
According to Thai News Agency (TNA) the construction of the bridge, worth about 1.49 billion baht (RM152. 3 million) was due to complete on June 10.
Officials said the bridge, which links Thailand's Chiang Khong district with Huay Xai of Laos, would be opened late this year, because border checkpoint systems on both sides were still incomplete.
Cross border trade in the area reached a combined value of more than 10 billion baht (RM1 billion) during the period from last October to June this year.
Officials said they expected the figure to rise to 14 billion baht (RM1.4 billion) during the current 2013 fiscal year.
Good to know the facts on how the 'policy' is applied.Davidfl;294860 wrote: Exiting Laos at the Friendship Bridge in Vientiane a few days ago I popped into to see Ms Khampean, the bridge director's secretary.
Khampean says that officially the bridges are all open to motorbikes, however some provinces may have their own policy.
She acknowledges that Tha Khek may be a problem at times.
For Houei Xai / Bo Keo, she says they will decide themselves but there is no directive from Vte for motorcycles not to be allowed to use the bridge.
When the 2nd bridge opened at Savannakhet, the bridge staff there were trained in Vte at the bridge & some staff from Vte went to help at the Savannakhet bridge when it first opened.
I think at this time there was a no bikes policy at the Vte Friendship bridge, so that was the policy at Savannakhet; however since then the policy has changed & motorbikes can enter into Laos across the Friendship bridges.
The provinces set their own policy, & that may be different to Vientiane.
At Savannakhet you can get in most of the time now. Tha Khek is generally negative.
Bo Keo / Houei Xai will decide for themselves in the coming 2 weeks.
Lets keep our fingers crossed.
But if it is negative, then all you need do is "truck" your bike across the bridge.
Good luck everybody.
I agree Bungy - all a bit odd but this is what both the Thai & Lao ferry operators + Thai customs told me.Ian Bungy;295166 wrote: Yes Congratulations to You. Incredible that they spend all that Money to Build a New Bridge between Two Countries and it can't take over 30 Ton? That has to be a Mistake for Sure or else Extremely Bad Planning / Management / Engineering?
Yeah it was a bit of a joyous moment being the first to officially ride across.Moto-Rex;295149 wrote: Well done David.
I bet you would have never imagined all those years ago when you started riding in Laos, that one day there would be a flash new bridge, and you would be the first to cross it.
A couple of pix in from the happy Malaysian riders who crossed todayDavidfl;295177 wrote: The procedure for the 3 Malaysian BMW riders entering Laos from CK today
Clear Thai customs
Take the car ferry for 3000 baht to Laos
Leave the bikes at Lao customs.
Cross back to Chiang Khong.
Take a Tuk Tuk to the Friendship Bridge
Get stamped out of Thailand.
Cross the bridge in the shuttle bus for 20 baht.
Get.stamped into Laos.
Take a Tuk-Tuk all the way upstream to the car ferry & Laos customs to pick up & clear their bikes .
Hey presto you're in Laos with ur bike.
Lets pray this system does not last too long ...
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