GPS maps for Laos?

May 9, 2006
I found a link to GPS route for Cambodia. While i really do not want to lug along my pocket garmin, just another doodad to lose break or have stolen, it might be useful travelling solo in the boonies.

Does anyone have any links to routes/maps etc. for Laos?
Jun 21, 2006
Here is the link, and below have attached description, good luck hope it all works......

Description: Rotweiler's Laos Routable. This map covers the entire nation of Laos. It provides accurate detail and many point of interest for the Cities of LOUANG PRABANG and VIENTIANE; the main route between LOUANG PRABANG and VIENTIANE (Highway 13 / A12), as well as connection to the Thailand highway system south of VIENTIANE. Much of the remainder of the map - especially the interior and South of Laos - is from public sources and while corrected to the extent possible, it not considered navigation ready. POIs were largely created from paper maps so feedback with corrections/enhancements are greatly appreciated.
The new build of November 7, 2007, substantially improves highway naming and the correct categorization of highways. This map is not locked.
Type: MapSource Installer
Updated: November 7, 2007
File Size: 1.0 M