Flying Kiwi, yes there is a helmet law and you are wrong about riding 2 meters with out a helmet and get an instant fine. I took my helmet off 200 kilos out of BKK and rode 800 kilometers with out a helmet. Ya, I am one of those guys that think it is cool to ride with out a helmet. So basically you called me an idiot. nice that you can talk big sitting behind your computer monitor. I thought this was a biker website. A long time ago, the guys that rode the Harleys, built thier own bikes, blue collar guys, the ones you did not want to piss off, they rode in clubs, that you did not want to piss off. Then the Harley craze came, and the lawyers and doctors bought the harleys, the weekend riders, they bought the leathers and got the look. Instead of riding up to sturgis in the summer, they truck thier bikes there. Anyways , to make a long story short, 1. the helmet mashes my hair down and cuts off circulation( makes my hair fall out just like a baseball cap. and 2. I like to get a sun tan. 3. I am smart enough to know when to put a helmet on and I don,t need the goverment to tell me what is good for me, I already know. Ok with that being said, I don,t want to get off to a bad start with everyone on this website, the helmet thing is just a touchy subject. You want total safety, buy a 4wd diesel truck, and wear your seat belt. By the way, the pre border roadblocks were very understanding to why I was not wearing my helmet and they never asked me to put it on. The motorcycle association in the usa has been fighting for years with the goverment to repeal the helmet law, and thankgod we have won in Florida. So some 18 year old wrecks his bike and is a vegtable for life, what has that to do with me? Absolutely nothing. Same thing as some 4 year old goes goes into his daddy,s night stand and starts playing with his dad,s revolver and blows his head off. What has that got to do with me owning a gun and protecting myself and property? Nothing, I don,t care. Ok, sorry if I offend, I just don,t like to be called an idiot.