Entry to Thailand from Laos


May 11, 2009
A mate & I are planning first bike trip to Laos in November. Planning on hiring from Vientiane & riding up to Huay Sai. Can we do one-way bike rental to there & then pick up a new rental at Chiang Kong to go to Chiang Mai one way? We've about 10 days riding time in total - is this enough time to do this trip? Cheers
Mar 25, 2009
Barra wrote: A mate & I are planning first bike trip to Laos in November. Planning on hiring from Vientiane & riding up to Huay Sai. Can we do one-way bike rental to there & then pick up a new rental at Chiang Kong to go to Chiang Mai one way? We've about 10 days riding time in total - is this enough time to do this trip? Cheers

Located in the very heart of Vientiane, capital city of Laos, Jules Classic Rental offers you a unique way to discover this wonderful country on a bike. We put at your disposal sympathetic bikes, with personality and easy driving which will allow you to go where ever you want according to your imagination, discovering the treasury of Laos and its population whose kindness remains unique. Exclusive service, you will be able to pick up your bike in Vientiane and drop it in Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng or Pakse
Mar 15, 2003
I don't see a problem with the 10 days, if you can get the bikes. Riding at a reasonable rate its usually;

Vientiane to Viang Vieng Day 1
VV to Luang Prabang Day 2
LPB to Oudomxay Day 3
Oudamxay to Luang Nham Tha Day 4
LNT to Huay Xai or Chiang Khong Day 5
Chiang Khong to Chiang Mai,

This still gives you some extra days to sightsee.

It is also possible if you really push to go Vientiante to Luang Pragang without a stop at Vieng Vieng.

Also Luang Prabang to Luang Namtha without a stop at Ouodomxay is not too hard.

But you should stop and smell the roses, and enjoy your time. I think 10 days riding time is very doable with the new roads. :D


Nov 17, 2004
If 10 days is all you have, 10 days is fine and you can do the entire run via back roads to the border in 3 days if you really push - 10 days: no worries. If you have to plan time for both countries, I'd say cut it equally 5 days Laos, 5 days Thailand. To do this you should run a trip out of Vientiane and drop off in Luang Prabang and then fly to Chaing Mai and start with a bike here. There are quite a few possibilities for a ride loop out of VTE and even if you only have 5 days. When you add up the shipping fees for 2 bikes out of Hoiue Xai and Chiang Rai to the border, a flight and picking up a KLX in Chaing Mai makes a lot of sense and saves a lot of valuable time.

I can write up a few suggestions for you easy. I'm not as poetic as Blister - ride, eat, sleep - repeat and enjoy the hell out of it.

I'm also not so sure about the "exclusive service" mentioned above as I've been doing it for 2 years. Houie Xai as a location is pretty pricey for return transport with all companies here. Getting a bike from Chiang Rai to the border also is not free. I am not entirely sure if ST up in Chaing Rai will do it or what they charge.

The link Dave put is comes up as an error - https://www.gt-rider.com/laos-motorcycle ... kings.html

[email email=Jim@remoteasia.com]Jim@remoteasia.com[/email]
Mar 15, 2003
The Master Speaks ! :wink: JIMOI has the latest information and is the recommended Laos contact.

Now the question is; Where is Barra the original poster? Are you following this or are we wasting our time? :shock: