Collarbone Fix


Aug 27, 2008
Does anybody have any recent experience with Chiang Mai medical facilities to do with collarbones.
I was treated at Chiang Mai RAM but I am fairly sure that my shoulder shouldn't be moving in two different directions. Any advise and help would be appreciated.
I must say my typing speed has improved though. :p
Jun 1, 2008
The only thing I can recall from my less than extensive training was that they strapped your arm in a position across your chest and allowed the bone to mend (graft) naturally. I guess therefore that unless things have changed, the shoulder will appear to move around a bit (until mended) unless it is securely strapped.

I sm sure that this is less than helpful but I felt a need to contribute to a cobbers demise



Oct 6, 2006
I'll never forget what my radiology professor said about collarbones/clavicles:
'Providing it's a clean break, [and referring to the two separated pieces] you can put them in the _same room_ and they will find each other!'. In other words it's one of the easiest fractures to heal. It's also the most common fracture experienced by kids...thus your at least young at heart :D Normally a 'figure-8' strap is used (which crosses on your back) and holds your shoulders back. You should be fine in about 6wks max, but plan on some moderate post FX strengthening exercises.

OTOH, in high school [seems like a century ago], I FX'ed my clavicle and due to the severity of the FX, I had to wear a cast that covered my torso and shoulders. With a shirt covering the cast, I looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger!


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Go to see the GT Rider orthopaedic god Dr Sudhee ... dside-help

We use & recommend Dr Sudhee Sudasna
Phone: 0532141393
8/4 Chiang Mai –Lampang Super Highway Road

(Inside the super, at the traffic lights, diagonally opposite Wat Ched Yot)

OPEN: 5pm – 7.30 pm. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Sunday 9.30 - 11.30 am
CLOSED: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Dr Sudhee has been the leading Orthopaedic lecturer in North Thailand & most, if not all the orthopaedic surgeons have learnt from him. He has looked after members of the Thai Royal family, plus practiced in the US for many years. David Unkovich personally recommends him, as well as numerous other GT Riders over the years. Sudhee speaks perfect English, can explain diagnosis & prognosis very clearly, has an excellent disposition & is a totally wonderful person. (He’s the GT Rider’s orthopaedic god!)

Unfortunately Sudhee no longer accepts emergency accident victims at hospitals, but he is available for consultation at his clinic. If you are unsure about your treatment, check it out at his clinic. He also has the best physio-therapist at the clinic & if you are having any post accident / op disabilities, go to see Suhdee, get the best advice & recommended therapy treatment.

Emergency Accident Treatment: with broken bones & trauma Dr Sudhee recommends Dr Anupong at Ram hospital. Get yourself admitted to either RAM or Lanna hospitals, & then ask for Dr Anupong. Dr Sudhee works as head of a consultancy team with Dr Anupong, & they often jointly consult on cases.

Good luck & don’t crash. But if you do – use Anupong & Sudhee.

Take a look at ... t3276.html ... t4283.html ... t3659.html ... t2201.html

for more bone doctor stories & reports.

Re Sudhee - Silverhawk, David Lek, Dave Dirty & Godi have all used him, + others I'm sure. (Over the years I've needed Sudhee's assistance several times - ankle, wrist, leg, humerous.)

But BJ what happened – sounds like you've got a story to tell?
Oct 17, 2006
Follow David's advise, seek 2nd opinion, to correct a possible problem now is relatively easy . Shoulder is the most complicated joint in your body.
Not trying to do a cyber diagnosis, but if shoulder is too strapped in the risk is a frozen shoulder possibly for life, so if all went well the mobility might be desirable,
Good luck


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
Yes, getting the right diagnosis is important.

Here's mine from Hongsa in Feb 2007

correctly diagnosing "left shoulder broken." :roll:
And to think we thought it might only be a dislocation & would pop back into place. Didn't work. :cry: :cry:
Oct 12, 2005
Sorry to see you've had a setback BJ.

I've had both Sudhee and Anupong repair bones and bits on me whilst over here. Both excellent service with good quality results as David stated.

Of the two, I preferred Anupongs personality, but that may just be me. He is younger of the two and is an orthopedic instructor at some hospitals. He answered all my questions diligently and performed the needed surgery. Between the two doctors I've had a torn rotator cuff, fractured collorbone, ribs, fingers, and last year four fractures in the leg. Too much experience sadly.

Re: your collorbone fracture. I've fixed them with slings and figure 8 straps. An easy bone to heal thankfully. The shoulder moves in multiple directions not only two. Describe your concern in a bit more detail as I did not comprehend what is of concern to you.

Best of luck.


Aug 27, 2008
Thanks everyone for your responces.
And sorry I have been slack replying.
I was really just after an explanation to the injury, after taking the figure8 bandage off to shower and my wife and I freaking out a bit at the look of it. Having no knowledge of a collarbone break and getting no explanation at Ram I didn't really understand the injury.
Since posting I spent some time looking it up on the internet and visited a specialist yesterday. He was really great and drew diagrams and explained everything about the healing of it and also my broken ribs.
So thanks for taking the time and answering, it helped a lot.
And thanks for the links David.

And the story.
I was just doing a short ride up the 118 to Pong Din past the hotsprings and then left to the 1252 and back on 4074.
About 20 k's back on the 4074 came around a bend and the road was covered with sand obviously from recent rains. It looked ok to me and so
I didn't slow much wasn't going real hard anyway, but then at the end of the sand it was a couple of metres of slimy mud.
I didn't have time to do much, the front tyre hit the mud front end went down like a bag of spuds no slide nothing and i hip and shouldered the
concrete. Broken collarbone 2 broken ribs and somehow bruised the liver.
The worst was discovering how bad emergency services are out of the cities in Thailand. There aren't any :)
I was probably only 20 ks from the 118, it happened before 3 pm but I didn't make it to the Mae On hospital till just before 7pm. Not a lot of fun
lying beside the road for 3 hours, it's pretty cold up there.
Can't wait to get back on the bike though.
May 7, 2010
I went to Dr Sudhee's clinic on the Superhighway today and found a note saying the clinic has been closed permanently. I have a photo of the note that I was gonna add here but for some reason I'm not permitted to post attachments.

Anyway, he's working out of Chiang Mai Ram hospital, 4th floor, Specialty Clinic.
Mondays and Thursdays 10 am
Phone numbers:
053-920-300 x 4000 - clinic
089-953-8071 mobile
081-764-1400 mobile

Thanks for the recommendation.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2003
Chiang Khong
AlaskaDave;288169 wrote: I went to Dr Sudhee's clinic on the Superhighway today and found a note saying the clinic has been closed permanently. I have a photo of the note that I was gonna add here but for some reason I'm not permitted to post attachments.

Anyway, he's working out of Chiang Mai Ram hospital, 4th floor, Specialty Clinic.
Mondays and Thursdays 10 am
Phone numbers:
053-920-300 x 4000 - clinic
089-953-8071 mobile
081-764-1400 mobile

Thanks for the recommendation.
Thanks for the tip off about Dr Sudhee.
Did you consult him -what's your verdict?
Jul 25, 2012
AlaskaDave;288169 wrote: I went to Dr Sudhee's clinic on the Superhighway today and found a note saying the clinic has been closed permanently. I have a photo of the note that I was gonna add here but for some reason I'm not permitted to post attachments.

Anyway, he's working out of Chiang Mai Ram hospital, 4th floor, Specialty Clinic.
Mondays and Thursdays 10 am
Phone numbers:
053-920-300 x 4000 - clinic
089-953-8071 mobile
081-764-1400 mobile

Thanks for the recommendation.
I saw Dr Anupong last night for follow up consultation ref my knee: he's at present working during 17:00 - 19:00 out of the ground floor clinic of Chiang Mai Ram Hospital (immediately on your left as you enter the hospital) but be warned, he said he's going to be quitting doing his A&E work soon. I'll see him again in 2 weeks and try to find more about his general practice, when and where to find him.

As an aside, the bone Doc who fixed me up in Chiang Kham hospital studied with Dr Anupong under Dr Sudhee and is highly regarded, so if you're planning to not come off and not break any bones on the 1148 or environs, you'll be in good hands if you do!!