This bike is a 1952 BSA M33, that I restored a couple of years ago.
But I didn't split the cases. After 2,000 miles, the big end failed and the engine stopped dead. Engine apart, I could see the Burmese installed big end rollers were stainless steel instead of hardened steel and the journal was mishapen.
New big end in from Alpha Bearings ( been making these big end bearings for 80 years) and we're back on the road.... Fantastic.
But I didn't split the cases. After 2,000 miles, the big end failed and the engine stopped dead. Engine apart, I could see the Burmese installed big end rollers were stainless steel instead of hardened steel and the journal was mishapen.
New big end in from Alpha Bearings ( been making these big end bearings for 80 years) and we're back on the road.... Fantastic.