Ive had the Garmin 60CSx for about 7 years and had no problems with it. Its compact and robust.
The screen is small but I don’t mind it. I cant compare it to anything else because it’s the only GPS I’ve ever owned. There’s newer models available now. Maybe 62CS
Pretty compact as you can see.
GPS, paper map, phone apps, sun dial, and I still get lost.
The Garmin Montana 650T and 680T is the GPS that most adventure riders are using in Australia. There really good I hear.
Hope this helps.
Hi Brian this is how I mounted my Montana to the bars on my CRF, it really is good because it places the device up over the display so you don't need to drop your head to see it. The amps rugged mount is bomb proof and wont come off, if you don't want to run power form the bike get the bicycle mount https://www.gpscity.com/garmin-montana-6xx-bike-mount.html NB: without power from the bike you'll go through 2 sets of 3AA batteries each day.
Here I have made a plate to attach the rugged mount http://www.gpscity.com/garmin-montana-6xx-amps-rugged-mount-with-audio-power-cable.html
I then attached this to the Rally Management Services nav mount Universal Navigation Clamps (click link)
Using cross bar mounting blocks Crossbar mounting blocks (click link)
Bad news, the Montana Series is different. But Garmin makes a handlebar mount for it also:
Handlebar Mount | Garmin