Recent content by GTR-Admin

  1. GTR-Admin

    Membership Approval

    It has been brought to our attention there is a technical issue with membership approval. Whilst membership may have been approved, the automated email response has been failing with no email confirmation being sent out. We were unaware of this & apologize. It is being looked at now by a tech...
  2. GTR-Admin

    Karen State - No Paperwork, No Problems...

    Hi Shane Thank for taking the time to post that adventure. It just goes to show that there are still opportunities for exploration if you are a bit cheeky and proceed as if you have every right to be there! Even if you don't.. 5555 Keep up the good work!
  3. GTR-Admin

    Nong Khiaw To Muang Ngoy

    Hi Shane Thanks for taking the time to share that with us, the photos really are stunning! Those drone photos in particular are spectacular as they give a birds eye viewpoint that most us us will never see. What kind of drone and camera setup do you have??? It must be small and compact in...
  4. GTR-Admin

    4010 - Not For The Faint Of Heart....

    Good grief - 26% is awfully steep! You'd have to do a very dry mix of concrete to stop it sliding off the hillside! Operating construction machinery on that angle must be very scary - no margin for error if you miss a gear change on the way up.
  5. GTR-Admin

    Mae Hong Son Loop...... Without The 108 Or 1095

    Hi Shane - I really enjoyed that write-up, well done! There are so many undocumented trails, tracks, roads and villages in the huge area encompassed by 108 / 1095, you could spend weeks exploring out there. The generous hospitality extended to strangers is a hallmark of ethnic people...
  6. GTR-Admin

    In Search Of The Salween And Moei Rivers' Confluence

    Well done, it is a great trip out there, great report and fantastic photos. I've done it many times in the Hilux 4WD over the years, but never on a bike. My ex-wife is from Sob Moei village at the confluence. Coming up out of Sob Moei in the Hilux can be a real challenge if there is a hint of...
  7. GTR-Admin

    “poi Ton Tee” – The Kayan New Year

    Hi Jurgen - thanks for your efforts in posting this enlightening explanation of Karenni culture. The photographs are a truly superb illustration of the practices, the people and their traditional dress. Absolutely stunning, and I'm sure other readers will also be captivated by the text and...
  8. GTR-Admin

    Bay Of Bengal On A Cbr150

    That's a fascinating look into the reality of travel and life in the country next door. The "main highways" look more like KLX / CRF terrain to me! :) You've obviously got a highly developed sense of adventure, excellent write-up and glorious photos. - the old temples over that way are...
  9. GTR-Admin

    Northern Thailand Tour On A Crf250l 20-jan To 13-feb 2019

    Hi Tarquin - many thanks for taking the time and making the effort to post this excellent ride report. It will certainly inspire others to follow in your footsteps and your input is much appreciated. Everyone sees the roads and places in a different light, and perspectives are altered by what...
  10. GTR-Admin

    Pages Loading Vertically ?

    You could try deleting the cookies for - maybe that's what is screwed up...
  11. GTR-Admin

    Pages Loading Vertically ?

    It is fine in Firefox, Chrome and Edge on my PC - and works as expected on Chrome on my smartphone (Xiaomi Mi 8) I have no idea what browser or device you are using, but clearing the cached files could not do any harm, it is possible that the style.css file saved on your device is corrupted....
  12. GTR-Admin

    Thanks For Adding Me!

    Hi Klaus Welcome aboard, always happy to meet and greet newcomers on the forums! Please join up on on of the monthly Up-Country Dinners, its always a great way to meet up with like-minded people. YouTube videos are absolutely ok to add to any Thread or Post - they are a great way to showcase...
  13. GTR-Admin

    GT Rider Up Country Dinner # 10 - Chiang Khong

    A Ride Report on the Jan GT-Rider Up-country Dinner: - Chiang Khong - Gt-rider Up-country Dinner Trip - Jan 2019
  14. Kiwi Cruiser

    Chiang Khong - Gt-rider Up-country Dinner Trip - Jan 2019

    The ride to Chiang Khong from my part of the world is 500 kms, and I decided to break it up with a night in Phayao and catch up with Moto-Rex and Scotty. A late (11 am) start influenced the route. Roadworks precluded the 118, heavy traffic and miles of dust and dirt on roadwork is no fun. The...
  15. GTR-Admin

    GT Rider Up Country Dinner # 10 - Chiang Khong

    I accept your proposal... sounds like and excellent start to a pleasant evening!