February 2021
The last Wednesday of the month is Wednesday 24th February
The destination is Pong City
The dinner venue is the Krua Muang Pong
The funky Happy Hour Venue is on the Yom River บ้านริมยม
Suggested Hotels. There's not enough rooms at one hotel. We've found 3 suitable locations.
1. The Pim Fah โรงแรมบ้านพิมฟ้า 12 rooms
2. The Happy Hour Spot has 3 rooms บ้านริมยม
3. The Nong Porn on the highway has 15 rooms & is undoubtedly the best place in town. Nong Porn Resort
The Nong Porn owner's daughter, Ms Nan is the manager & speaks half-decent English. She will run customers into town for dinner & pick us up. She may well even join us for drinks & dinner.
Room prices for all 3 are 450 - 600 baht (from memory.)
For those who have not spent time in Pong before
BTW there are no bar beers, night clubs or karaokes in Pong. It is an old traditional town.
But I don't doubt we can make merry at the Yom River Cafe for happy hour, plus the Krua Muang Pong, which has fantastic food.
The Nong Porn resort also has a magic sunset deck & view
"Extra Accommodation": there is a 4th place right out on the highway, with 6 rooms
Let the adventure begin.
See you all in Pong city Wednesday 24th February 2021.
The last Wednesday of the month is Wednesday 24th February
The destination is Pong City
The dinner venue is the Krua Muang Pong
Pong Restaurants
Coffee Shop - Cafe Mello A double frontage shop. New smart clean aircon. Cold & hot drinks, plus fast cheap and easy meals. Google Maps

The funky Happy Hour Venue is on the Yom River บ้านริมยม
Suggested Hotels. There's not enough rooms at one hotel. We've found 3 suitable locations.
1. The Pim Fah โรงแรมบ้านพิมฟ้า 12 rooms
Pong Accommodation
Phu Pheng Dao Resort on R1091 approx 5kms south of Pong. GPS WAYPOINT: N19 04.326 E100 15.553 Looks good, & there's not much else in the area. The owner claimed to be a cook from Bangkok, who first had a restaurant going on the site, then expanded it to include some beautiful bungalows...

2. The Happy Hour Spot has 3 rooms บ้านริมยม
3. The Nong Porn on the highway has 15 rooms & is undoubtedly the best place in town. Nong Porn Resort
The Nong Porn owner's daughter, Ms Nan is the manager & speaks half-decent English. She will run customers into town for dinner & pick us up. She may well even join us for drinks & dinner.
Room prices for all 3 are 450 - 600 baht (from memory.)
For those who have not spent time in Pong before
Riding The Yom River & R1091
Living in Chiang Khong my preferred route to Nan is via R1091, which I think is a much better biker's road than the more renowned R1148. R1091 starts from Chun & the road junction with R1021 that runs from Phayao to Chun to Chiang Kham to Thoeng. R1091 rocks for a riders road despite it being a...

BTW there are no bar beers, night clubs or karaokes in Pong. It is an old traditional town.
But I don't doubt we can make merry at the Yom River Cafe for happy hour, plus the Krua Muang Pong, which has fantastic food.
The Nong Porn resort also has a magic sunset deck & view
"Extra Accommodation": there is a 4th place right out on the highway, with 6 rooms
Let the adventure begin.
See you all in Pong city Wednesday 24th February 2021.
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