er6n insurance???


Apr 24, 2003
Hi guy/girls
will be back out to cnx october :D and have placed a order on a kawasaki er6n.
has any one insured one of these yet? , good reports or things/companeys to steer clear off?, 3rd party or comp etc,would help me loads.
thanks from a soggy uk :(
Dec 27, 2007
Not sure about Chiang Mai, but Kawasaki in Bangkok helped me sign up for insurance on my last two bikes so that they were covered before I left the showroom. First bike (Ninja 250R) was covered by Siam City Insurance. Second bike (ER6n) covered by Lockton (sp?)
Never had to make a claim (knock on wood!) so can't comment on the quality or service of either company.
Ride On!


Apr 24, 2003
thanks tony for the info! will ask kawasaki cnx if they can help and can you still get hold of some crash bungs for this bike?, will be in touch in october!, good luck with the sale of your bike and maybe bump into you again down the number 1 bar cnx.
Dec 27, 2007
Hi Mja,

I already sold my ER6n and am also sold out of the crash protectors. I'm looking for a new CNC shop because the guys who made them for me originally are getting greedy and have jacked up their prices...
If/when I get more I'll post an ad in the BUY SELL section.

Happy Trails!

Nov 21, 2008
mja34 wrote: Hi guy/girls
will be back out to cnx october :D and have placed a order on a kawasaki er6n.
has any one insured one of these yet? , good reports or things/companeys to steer clear off?, 3rd party or comp etc,would help me loads.
thanks from a soggy uk :(
I just ordered 4 er6n from the dealer at rama,excelent service by the way,two green and two black,got a black one from before,aparently the price has gone up to 245000 as the 2010 model has abs.
got a offer on the insursnce aprox 7000 bth for 75% coverage.I asked for a free helmet but they gave me a free green ballpoint pen wich i forgot in the store.
Dec 27, 2007
nuwatmat wrote: [quote quote=mja34]Hi guy/girls
will be back out to cnx october :D and have placed a order on a kawasaki er6n.
has any one insured one of these yet? , good reports or things/companeys to steer clear off?, 3rd party or comp etc,would help me loads.
thanks from a soggy uk :(
I just ordered 4 er6n from the dealer at rama,excelent service by the way,two green and two black,got a black one from before,aparently the price has gone up to 245000 as the 2010 model has abs.
got a offer on the insursnce aprox 7000 bth for 75% coverage.I asked for a free helmet but they gave me a free green ballpoint pen wich i forgot in the store.
Yeah- 7000 is about what I paid for the insurance on my ER6n. 4 bikes and all you got was a pen? Wow- how generous of them :wink:
The new 2010 ER6n in Green and matte black looks awesome!

Happy Trails!
Nov 21, 2008
TonyBKK wrote: [quote quote=nuwatmat][quote quote=mja34]Hi guy/girls
will be back out to cnx october :D and have placed a order on a kawasaki er6n.
has any one insured one of these yet? , good reports or things/companeys to steer clear off?, 3rd party or comp etc,would help me loads.
thanks from a soggy uk :(
I just ordered 4 er6n from the dealer at rama,excelent service by the way,two green and two black,got a black one from before,aparently the price has gone up to 245000 as the 2010 model has abs.
got a offer on the insursnce aprox 7000 bth for 75% coverage.I asked for a free helmet but they gave me a free green ballpoint pen wich i forgot in the store.
Yeah- 7000 is about what I paid for the insurance on my ER6n. 4 bikes and all you got was a pen? Wow- how generous of them :wink:
The new 2010 ER6n in Green and matte black looks awesome!

Happy Trails!
Dont know if there is any other modifications on them other than ABS,i have not seen them yet.
Anyone know if the 2010 is differend ?
Sep 4, 2007
Tony, The Kawa shop in Udon offered me the same price, but the insurance only covered loss up to 180K, I am trying to get a better quote.
GT quote page refused to cooperate, will try again later.
Dec 27, 2007
Hi John!

Bought a new bike? :mrgreen:

What'd you get?

Kawasaki in Bangkok offers two plans- the cheaper one covers about 80% of the value of the bike, and they have a more expensive plan from a different company that offers 100% coverage. The Thai built Kawasaki are so incredibly cheap to fix that I've opted for the cheaper 80% coverage.
Here's an example- I bought all of the colored pieces (8 pieces in all) for the ER6n in Diablo Black to send to a friend in the US (where they only sell the ER6n in Plasma Blue). Total cost? About 2500 Baht! Cracked the rear subfender on my ER6n. Cost to replace? 200 Baht! Seems like they're giving away the parts at these prices- not that I'm complaining!

Happy Trails!
