While it's still not finished, people have already been out riding on it!
Enigma Circuit Facts:
- Circuit Length: 4.0 KM (5 KM for alternate option B.)
- Circuit width: 16 meters in length (with another meters polycabonated "track shoulder" on each side
- Circuit can have 4 different configurations (not shown on the current map)
- The Pit / Main Straight is 1.5 km (from the last corner to the first corner)
- The run offs are all friction surface cement (the same as Paul Ricard Circuit in France own by the FIA)
- 7 meters elevation change between the lowest and the highest point of the circuit
- 34 "on track" close circuit cameras all over the circuit, so there will be at least 2 camera per corners
- 40 Pit garage, can park 2 cars side by side per pit (80 cars capacity at the same time)
- Intergrate fiber steel with in the asphalt surface of the track for strengths and flexibility
- Shortest run off area is 70 meters from the edge of the track, and as long as 200 meters in highspeed corner
- Clock wise and Anti-clock wise lay out in the circuit
- This will be the only second 4.0 KM circuit in Asia, the other is Suzuka... other are either longer or shorter
- Total land mass (not shown) 500 Rai + 200 Rai Michelin development center (not shown)
- Michelin will have tires development center with small 1 km WET track within the same compound
Sounds promising!
I'd love to go have a look but still haven't found an address or directions...
The Enigma website is a bit useless and the contact email addresses all appear to be invalid...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 3307_n.jpg
If anyone has a clue about location or contact info please share it!
Ride On!
Enigma Circuit Facts:
- Circuit Length: 4.0 KM (5 KM for alternate option B.)
- Circuit width: 16 meters in length (with another meters polycabonated "track shoulder" on each side
- Circuit can have 4 different configurations (not shown on the current map)
- The Pit / Main Straight is 1.5 km (from the last corner to the first corner)
- The run offs are all friction surface cement (the same as Paul Ricard Circuit in France own by the FIA)
- 7 meters elevation change between the lowest and the highest point of the circuit
- 34 "on track" close circuit cameras all over the circuit, so there will be at least 2 camera per corners
- 40 Pit garage, can park 2 cars side by side per pit (80 cars capacity at the same time)
- Intergrate fiber steel with in the asphalt surface of the track for strengths and flexibility
- Shortest run off area is 70 meters from the edge of the track, and as long as 200 meters in highspeed corner
- Clock wise and Anti-clock wise lay out in the circuit
- This will be the only second 4.0 KM circuit in Asia, the other is Suzuka... other are either longer or shorter
- Total land mass (not shown) 500 Rai + 200 Rai Michelin development center (not shown)
- Michelin will have tires development center with small 1 km WET track within the same compound
Sounds promising!
I'd love to go have a look but still haven't found an address or directions...
The Enigma website is a bit useless and the contact email addresses all appear to be invalid...
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- ... 3307_n.jpg
If anyone has a clue about location or contact info please share it!
Ride On!