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  • Hi .. just saw an old thread your in re getting a bike make legal ie. by somehow getting a Customs Duty Reciept. I am in the same boat now with not 1 but 2 bikes, just wanted to know if anyone found a solution? I have 2 old KTM dirtbikes I want t omake at least legal to be in Thailand, if posisble.
    Songkran fast approaching. Stay off the roads. If you can't. Drive early AM to avoid the drunks and crazies. Stay safe. Sawadee Pee Mai
    Merry Christmas ~ Happy new year fellow gt riders & friends of gt rider. Wish all a safe holiday period with lots of beer Lao consumption.
    There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about. - Oscar Wilde
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